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This reporting procedure has been designed to ensure, as much as possible, that Gruma employees have the ability to make confidential and anonymous reports by utilizing EthicsPoint procedures.

We appreciate your support and cooperation in keeping GRUMA an ethical company.

Thank you for your help!


GRUMA and its subsidiaries are dedicated to provide the most efficient manufacturing and marketing service with an unparalleled customer service, along with a safe and productive workplace for our employees.

Our code resumes in:

  • Integrity
  • Honesty
  • Loyalty
  • Trust
  • Respect

GRUMA value your input. That is why we have selected EthicsPoint to provide us with an anonymous and confidential method to hear your suggestions, concerns or report of misconduct.

Please take some time to review our company’s ethics policy. If you find that you are unclear regarding an issue of misconduct, or you have a question please voice your concern. The information you provide will be sent to us by EthicsPoint on a totally confidential and anonymous basis.

Protection of your anonymity is wholly up to you

Please take care not to report information in a manner that may personally identify you.

EthicsPoint and its client companies take the reports made through this site seriously. Please make your report as accurate and truthful as possible. Do not intentionally include false or misleading information in your report. Unless required by law, our clients reserve the right to act, or not act, on any information reported. In addition, they are not required to disclose any actions taken pursuant to any information reported.

EthicsPoint is a truly confidential and anonymous reporting solution, and we are committed to protecting you anonymity. We have a patent pending system that utilize the latest encryption technology to protect the reports received through our system. To ensure a safe, secure and anonymous forum, we require our clients, and any company receiving an EthicsPoint report, to sign an agreement to treats reports confidentially. Neither EthicsPoint nor its clients will make any attempt to discover your identity without your concern, unless required by a court of law.

EthicsPoint - Integrity at Work
Copyright © 2000-2025 EthicsPoint, Inc. All Rights Reserved.