Home About Voice Your Concern Frequently Asked Questions Code of Conduct Have an HR or Benefits Question? Do you have a Product Concern?

Voice Your Concern

Voicing your concern is asking a legal, compliance, policy, or ethics question; raising a concern about integrity or ethics issues; or reporting wrongdoing or misconduct. Medtronic encourages open and honest communications of concerns and the Voice Your Concern program helps us uncover and address integrity and ethics issues early, while they are more easily resolved.

The Voice Your Concern Line provides reporters with a toll-free or online resource free from fear of retaliation in a confidential setting, seven days a week, 24 hours a day.

Medtronic uses the Voice Your Concern Line to log, investigate, and track matters where Medtronic employees and/or its agents have not complied with the law or with Medtronic policies or procedures. Misconduct also includes but is not limited to action that could expose Medtronic, its employees, officers, or directors to liability; or damage Medtronic’s reputation.

To determine if your concern involves violations of Medtronic policies, please refer to Medtronic’s Code of Conduct.

For concerns about Medtronic products that are or appear to be unrelated to the actions of Medtronic employees, please report them directly to the relevant points of contact at Complaint Handling as soon as you become aware of them.

Important notice about U.S. Benefits:

If you have a question, concern, or complaint about a benefits plan or policy, including benefit payments or benefit payroll deductions, contact AskHR at (800) 987-3565 or askhr@medtronic.com and your case will be reviewed and escalated as appropriate.

You may also contact your benefit plan directly using the contact information on the back of your ID card. A vendor contact listing is also available on benefits.medtronic.com under Contacts.

Product Complaints

For concerns about Medtronic products that are or appear to be unrelated to the actions of Medtronic employees, please report them directly to the relevant points of contact at Product Complaint Handling as soon as you become aware of them.

To follow up on a concern please enter your Report Key and Password below.

What should I do if I lose my report key or forgot the password I created?
Because of the high level of security that is maintained for these reports. if you lose your report key or password, you will need to file a new report. Mention in the new report that it is related to a report you previously filed.