Speak Up

"If you become aware of unsafe, unlawful or unethical behaviour, please Speak Up. Your concerns will be taken seriously and handled confidentially."

Andy Currie, INEOS Capital

Six things you need to know about Speak Up

What is Speak Up?

Speak Up is a confidential system through which you can raise concerns about, or report impacts resulting from, unsafe, unlawful or unethical behaviour. Please see our INEOS Business Contacts Page for information on how to provide feedback on our retail products.

How do I report a concern?

INEOS encourages employees to raise concerns with their line manager, HR department or another appropriate member of senior management, if they are comfortable doing so. All employees and third-party stakeholders can also use the Speak Up system to make a report, either through the web portal or by telephone using the links above.

Concerns relating to a breach of the INEOS Life Saving Rules or the INEOS 20 Safety Principles must be reported to management in accordance with the relevant INEOS site procedure in the first instance.

What happens after I contact Speak Up?

Once you submit a concern via phone or web, you will receive a report key and password which can be used to follow up on your submission using the link above. Then, an electronic summary is sent to the Speak Up Team within INEOS for review and to determine further action, including referral for investigation.

What is INEOS’ stance on retaliation?

INEOS does not tolerate retaliation against individuals who, in good faith, report a concern using the Speak Up system. Any report of retaliation is taken seriously and investigated as appropriate.

Are Speak Up reports confidential? Can I report anonymously?

While INEOS encourages you to speak up freely and share your identity, you may choose to report anonymously. INEOS uses NAVEX’s EthicsPoint case management application to support the administration of Speak Up. EthicsPoint is hosted on NAVEX’s secure servers and is not part of the INEOS intranet or website. Any information you provide will be held confidentially to the fullest extent possible consistent with law and good business practice.

Who administers Speak Up?

Speak Up is administered by an independent company (NAVEX), is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and can accommodate calls in more than 30 languages. You can contact Speak Up anonymously from most locations.