Dear Friends in Christ,
The Diocese of Dallas and its parishes, schools, and other institutions are committed to the safety of our youth and vulnerable adults and to being good stewards of the many resources entrusted to us by you. We must manage this stewardship and accept responsibility with constant vigilance and transparency.
The Diocese of Dallas has many safeguards, policies, and procedures in place to help ensure safety, stewardship and accountability. Our Safe environment program for the protection of minors and vulnerable adults is actively managed at each parish, school, and other institution and audited by an outside third party on a regular basis. Additional measures that protect the assets of the church are in place at all locations. Strict procedures regarding the handling of the offertory; annual financial reporting; and a newly established internal audit function at the Diocesan level assist us in the stewardship of the many blessings bestowed upon us.
Collectively, we are all responsible for ensuring that our policies are followed. In order to help ensure the safety of all and demonstrate accountability in other areas, every person needs to be willing to report suspicions of wrongdoing and have an easily accessible mechanism to make that report without fear of reprisal.
To make that possible, we have established a toll-free hotline and online reporting mechanism through an independent service provider, EthicsPoint. The hotline and online reporting tool, available in both English and Spanish, provides a confidential method to report suspected Safe Environment, Financial, Human Resources, or Risk Management concerns. Those reporting can even choose to remain anonymous. All reports received through this system are taken seriously and will be promptly investigated by the appropriate staff.
Christ said to his disciples, “from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” I have pledged to continue efforts of transparency and accountability in the Diocese of Dallas. I need your assistance and ask that we continue to work together to ensure that our parishes, schools and entities are safe for all, and that we build a culture of stewardship and accountability.
Faithfully yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Edward J. Burns
Bishop of Dallas
See the EthicsPoint FAQs for more information.
You may use either of the following two methods to submit a report:
After you complete your report you will be assigned a unique code called a "report key." Write down your report key and password and keep them in a safe place. After 5-6 business days, use your report key and password to check your report for feedback or questions.
EthicsPoint is NOT a 911 or Emergency Service:
Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, have been the victim of a crime, or have knowledge of a crime please contact your local authorities.
Situations involving abuse of minors must be reported to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services at:
Phone: 1-800-252-5400