Our growth and performance at Stoneridge, Inc. is strong because our customers trust us. We are trusted for many reasons, including high standards of quality, service, value, and innovation. However, none of this matters if we are not trusted for our integrity.
Our Code of Conduct is in place to help safeguard our reputation and to provide guidance to all our employees—as well as those doing business with us and for us—about our expectations for ethical behavior. Living up to our Code is both a team and an individual responsibility and can be easily summarized as “Do the right thing, always.”
Each of us has a personal responsibility to make sure we do the right thing always. We must hold ourselves and others accountable for incorporating Our Values into our daily work, using the Code as a guide. The Code is not intended to be a substitute for common sense or good judgment or to cover every situation or challenge you may face. If you do not know the right thing to do, or if you feel pressured to act in a way inconsistent with our Code, please seek guidance, ask for help, or report your concern.
To provide a safe and secure method to report a concern or ask a question about our Code of Conduct or possible violation of the Code, Company Policy, or the law, we have implemented the Stoneridge Integrity Helpline. This Helpline is available to everyone, 24 hours a day, seven days a week and is staffed by a live operator from an independent company. Calls are free and may be made anonymously, where permitted by local law. You can access this Helpline by phone or via this website.
See the EthicsPoint FAQs for more information.