Follow Up on a Previous Concern

To follow up on an existing question or concern, please enter the report key provided to you and password you created when you initially submitted your question or concern.

To follow-up on a U.S or U.S Territory concern reported before November 4, 2019 or an International (Outside of U.S) concern reported before September 1, 2020 please click here.

To follow up on a concern reported in the US on or after November 4, 2019, or International (outside of US) on or after September 1, 2020, please enter your Report Key and Password below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Code of Conduct

To view the WBA Code of Conduct and Ethics click here: Code of Conduct
For a copy of the Code of Conduct in other languages visit > Policy Center> Code of conduct & ethics or reach out to your local compliance officer for those without access.

What should I do if I lose my report key or forget the password I created?

Because of the high level of security that is maintained for these reports, if you lose your report key or password, you will need to file a new report. Mention in the new report that it is related to a report you previously filed.

Are these follow-ups on reports as secure as the first one?

All correspondences through the Compliance and Ethics hotline are held in the same strict confidence as the initial report, continuing under the umbrella of anonymity, if you so choose (and where permitted by local laws).

Click here to read more frequently asked questions