ATTENTION! This webpage is hosted on EthicsPoint's secure servers and is not part of The Johns Hopkins Health System Corporation website or intranet.
Unethical and illegal acts are detrimental to Johns Hopkins and harmful to our patients, students, faculty, staff, and visitors. If you have a concern or complaint, make a confidential report immediately via the online form or by phone at 844-SPEAK2US (844-773-2528). Anonymous reporting is available.
Make a report if you experience or suspect:
Anyone who reports a concern in good faith cannot be subject to any adverse employment action, including separation, demotion, suspension, or loss of benefits in retaliation for filing a report.
Your organization's ability to respond to your report depends on the accuracy and completeness of the information you provide. The best and easiest way to report your concerns is to call the hotline. A specially trained operator will confidentially document your concern for you and make sure all the important details are included.
When submitting a report please complete all screens of the Web Report Form and provide all required information - required fields are noted by an asterisk (*). No information will be transmitted until you click the submit button on the final review page.
EthicsPoint does not track visitors to this web site. You can choose to provide your name or remain anonymous where permitted by data privacy laws.
Even though EthicsPoint takes every report we receive seriously, we are not an emergency service. Please contact your local emergency services if you need to report a critical situation.