You may use either of the following methods to submit a report:
After you complete your report, you will be assigned a unique report key and be prompted to create your own password. Write down your report key and password and keep them in a safe place. You will need them to access the EthicsPoint platform to view your report, provide additional information, answer any questions, or check the progress of the report investigation.
Texas Christian University is committed to the highest ethical and professional standards of conduct as an integral part of its mission, the promotion of learning. The Code of Conduct articulates ethical standards, principles and policies which all members of the University community are expected to uphold by incorporating these values into their daily University actions and activities.
Your input is highly valuable and we encourage you to speak up and report your concerns. We want you to feel comfortable in approaching your supervisor, department chair, dean, or other administrator in instances where you believe misconduct or violations of policies or standards have occurred in the workplace.
In situations where you prefer to report anonymously, we encourage you to use this hotline, hosted by EthicsPoint, a third-party provider. Information you report through EthicsPoint is sent to TCU confidentially and anonymously. TCU assures that reports submitted via EthicsPoint will be handled promptly and judiciously. Please see the EthicsPoint FAQs for additional information.
TCU strictly prohibits and does not tolerate retaliation against any individual who files a report of fraudulent, dishonest, or illegal conduct. No member of the University community may interfere with the good faith reporting of a suspected or actual violation; no individual who makes such a report shall be subject to retaliation, including harassment or any adverse employment, academic or educational consequence, as a result of making a report.
EthicsPoint is not an emergency service.
Reports submitted to EthicsPoint may not receive immediate response. To report emergencies or incidents posing immediate threat to life or property, please dial 911 to reach local authorities or contact the TCU Police Department at 817-257-7777 or by dialing 7777 from any campus phone.