Report a Concern by Phone

Commonly Asked Questions

Who May use The Ethics & Compliance Hotline?

This Hotline is offered to all of Lyft’s team members and partners, including contractors, suppliers, and vendors. Platform users (drivers and/or passengers) can submit questions, report safety incidents, and access additional resources at Lyft’s Help Center.

When should I file a report on the Ethics & Compliance Hotline?

Lyft Leaders, Legal, Ethics & Compliance, and the People Team are all here to listen to concerns and address questions, but we also recognize the importance of anonymity. If you don’t feel comfortable speaking to a PBP, Legal, or your manager, or if you would like to remain anonymous for any reason, you may use this Hotline to submit and follow up on reports.

Where do these reports go and how do they remain confidential?

Reports are entered directly to a NAVEX secure server to maintain their confidentiality. As per our agreement with NAVEX, it makes these reports available only to specific individuals within Lyft who are charged with evaluating the report, based on the type of violation and location of the incident. If the report relates to a Lyft team member, the subject of the report may receive information concerning the report (but not the identity of the individual who made the report) and request correction of personal data that is inaccurate or incomplete in accordance with applicable law. Similarly, with some exceptions, individuals who submit reports may also access information about the report and request corrections of their personal data in accordance with applicable law.

Can Lyft or any of its managers retaliate against me for making a submission?

In short, no. Lyft is committed to providing a work environment in which you feel free to raise any good faith concern, free of retaliation, discrimination, or harassment. Lyft will not tolerate retaliation against any individual who makes a submission in good faith or participates in the investigation of any suspected violation of law or Lyft’s policies. Lyft team members may refer to the company’s Whistleblower Policy for more information on this topic.

How can I ask a question about Lyft's Code of Business Conduct and Ethics?

There are several ways that you can ask questions. You can email the Ethics & Compliance Team directly at You can also ask your PBP or any member of the Lyft Legal Team. If you have a question about a potential violation or issue relating to Lyft's Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and you would like to remain anonymous, you can also make a submission through this Ethics & Compliance Hotline. However, you should not use this hotline to seek legal advice.