Attention! This web page is hosted on EthicsPoint's secure servers and is
not part of the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University's web site or intranet.


Q: What is this service?

A: This service is a "hotline" -- designed to permit individuals to anonymously report to Embry-Riddle leadership their concerns regarding financial, research, risk and safety, human resources, and/or conflict of interest violations. The reports are handled by a third-party - EthicsPoint - on their Internet systems and through their operators. There is a link (URL) to the EthicsPoint Website and a telephone number for EthicsPoint on Embry-Riddle's website. This is not a "911" emergency service. If you would like to report an emergency, physical injury, or life-threatening situation, dial 911.

Q: Who can use this service?

A: Initially, this service is targeted to Embry-Riddle staff and faculty. The availability of the service is only being advertised to employees. However, the URL and telephone number for the hotline will be posted on the ERAU's web site, and the hotline will be accessible through ERAU Online. Fairly soon after the initial "roll out", the service will likely be expanded to any stakeholder.

Q: How do I keep my identity anonymous?

A: Normally, the reporter's anonymity is preserved. No one, at any time, will be able to determine your identity. Keep in mind that when you file a report you are reporting on EthicsPoint servers or through the EthicsPoint operators and not using Embry-Riddle servers or employees. Neither Embry-Riddle nor Ethics Point staff has the capability to identify you at any time - unless it is made known by you. During the reporting process, you have the option to reveal your identity.

Q: Who will receive my report?

A: Whether you file your report through the EthicsPoint Website or through the toll-free number, your anonymous report will be reviewed by EthicsPoint staff, who will forward the report to Embry-Riddle administrators designated to handle specific categories of reports submitted.

If you choose the toll free number to report, an EthicsPoint operator will answer your call and get from you the details you would like to report. The operator will then summarize your report in a Web intake format and forward that to the appropriate Embry-Riddle administrator.

EthicsPoint scans the reports and if the designated administrator for that category of report is implicated, the report will not be sent to that individual. Instead, the report will be forwarded to an alternate party within the Human Resources department.

Q: How do I know that you received my report?

A: During the process of filing a report, your report will be assigned a "Report Key" and you will be asked to assign yourself a password. Accessing the same Website, you may then use the Report Key and your personal password to check the status of your report and to check for any follow up messages or requests for additional information.

If you forget your Report Key and/or password, you cannot access your report, and you will have to file a new report. Neither Embry-Riddle nor Ethics Point staff has access to your Report Key and password combination. It's anonymous -- remember!

Once Embry-Riddle receives your report, we will investigate the validity of your report and attempt to find information that can help address and/or resolve the issue. If the information you submitted is not sufficient to effectively focus our investigation we may need more information from you. The EthicsPoint system is designed to allow us to communicate further with you -- still without identifying your identity. So, we encourage you to check the status of your report at least once every three days until your report is "closed". (Naturally, if you chose to reveal your identity during the reporting process, you will likely be contacted directly.) The EthicsPoint system will be used to document every action that is taken by both parties to help resolve the issues.

Q: What do I need to do to submit a report?

A: All you need to do is link to the URL from your Web browser of choice, or dial the toll free number. The Website is designed to walk you through the submission process. You will simply be asked to answer the required questions to the best of your ability. Don't forget to write down your Report Key and password so that you can check the status of your report.

Q: How will you protect me from retaliation if my identity becomes known?

A: If you choose to keep your identity anonymous, no one will be able to identify it at any time during this process. Additionally, ERAU's policies support the unfettered reporting of ethics violations and prohibit retaliation against anyone who reports ethics violations involving any Embry-Riddle staff, faculty, or leadership.

Q: What will happen once a report is "closed"?

A: ERAU will specify a retention period of one year after the case has been "closed".

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