Welcome to the Aspen Ethics Helpline
Aspen Insurance Group (“ Aspen ”), is a Bermuda-based holding company that underwrites specialty insurance and reinsurance on a global basis through its operating subsidiaries. To find out more about to find out more about Aspen's business, product lines and the areas we operate in, go to our website.
Aspen is committed to conducting business ethically, with integrity, and in full compliance with applicable laws in the jurisdictions where we operate. We depend on employees and others to report suspected or actual misconduct or violations of the Aspen Code of Conduct. We encourage and expect all Aspen employees and others to speak up if they become aware of any unlawful or unethical conduct.
The Aspen Ethics Helpline is a resource available to submit unethical or unlawful behavior or practices or any potential concerns that are inconsistent with our Aspen Code of Conduct. The Ethics Helpline can also be used to report potential Whistleblowing matters. The Aspen Ethics Helpline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in several languages and is run by an independent, third-party provider. In situations where you prefer to place an anonymous report, you are encouraged to use the Ethics Helpline and provide sufficient information that will assist in the review of the report. The information you provide will be sent to Aspen Group Compliance by EthicsPoint in a confidential and anonymous basis if you should choose.
All reports are taken seriously, independently considered and investigated appropriately. Aspen is committed to protecting everyone who makes a report or participates in an investigation in good faith. Retaliation, harassment, and reprisals of any kind are not tolerated at Aspen. Please note that it is unacceptable for an individual to file a knowingly false report. Intentional false reporting could result in disciplinary and/or legal consequences.
Please refer to the Aspen Ethics Helpline FAQs for additional information and a step-by-step guide on how to report via the Ethics Helpline.
To Make a Report
After you complete your report you will be assigned a unique code called a "report key." Write down your report key and password and keep them in a safe place. After 5-6 business days, use your report key and password to check your report for feedback or questions.