Our Commitment
The Asia Foundation places a strong emphasis on fostering a culture of openness and accountability. We have established formal reporting channels, policies, and procedures to ensure that employees, partners, community members, and other stakeholders can safely raise concerns and report unethical behavior. This commitment to transparency and integrity is reflected in one of our core values, Trust and Partnership which guides our operations and programs across Asia and the Pacific.
Anyone (including The Asia Foundation’s partners and people we work with) can raise a concern or make a complaint to The Asia Foundation about something they have experienced or witnessed without fear of retribution.
You can use our external reporting hotline EthicsPoint if you feel that you cannot report misconduct to relevant The Asia Foundation management. EthicsPoint is an independent, secure, and confidential reporting mechanism that is provided to employees of The Asia Foundation, associates, partners, and other stakeholders. You can provide your report in English or use your native language. Reports can be made anonymously, however, we encourage reporters to provide sufficient details, so the Foundation is able to thoroughly and effectively pursue, investigate and address concerns.
We are fully committed to maintaining a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment. We take proactive measures to prevent such incidents from occurring and are committed to rigorously addressing any instances that do occur. Our Code of Business Ethics and Ethical Conduct outline the standards of behavior we expect from our staff, and we provide support to staff and stakeholders who wish to report unacceptable behavior or misconduct.
Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local authorities.