EthicsPoint is NOT a 911 or Emergency Service:
Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local authorities.
Welcome to the GXO ethics and compliance reporting site. We have built a reputation and success upon honesty, integrity and fairness. We have a long-standing commitment to complying with the law wherever we operate and to conducting our business with the highest ethical standards. It is important that our business be conducted according to these standards, consistent with the guidelines set out in our Code of Business Ethics and our core values. In this way, we can maintain our good reputation and the trust and confidence of our fellow employees, those with whom we do business, our shareholders and the public. As part of the company's ongoing effort to uphold these standards, we encourage employees to report any violations of our Code of Business Ethics or other complaints or concerns regarding ethics issues. This web site is one of several reporting options specified in the Code of Business Ethics. Others include raising concerns with your supervisor or manager, contacting your human resources or legal department, contacting the compliance office, sending an email to or placing a call to the ethics hotline at the number, for your country, listed on this web page. It's important to the company that you report any concerns and that you feel comfortable with the process. You can choose to report anonymously, but please keep in mind that choosing to report anonymously may limit the company's ability to comprehensively respond to your concern. Please be assured that we do not tolerate retaliation against anyone for reporting any concern in good faith.
Thank you for reporting your concerns and for your continued commitment to our core values and to doing business the right way.