FAQs on using the service
Who manages the EthicsPoint service?
NAVEX manages these services; they are an independent third-party provider.
What is this service?
This is a confidential channel through which you can ask questions and raise concerns about breaches of the National Grid Code of Ethics.
What happens after I contact NAVEX?
The information you share with NAVEX will be subsequently shared with National Grid’s Ethics Office for review. If you want to remain anonymous to National Grid, NAVEX will honour this request and only share the details of the concern and not your contact details.
What is National Grid’s stance on retaliation?
It is against National Grid policy to retaliate against or harass any person for making an Ethics complaint or for cooperating in an Ethics investigation. Any employee who engages in retaliation shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary measures, up to and including termination of employment.
What if I am not sure whether my concern is a breach of the Code of Ethics?
Use the ‘Ask a question’ feature. Please note that you may be contacted by National Grid’s Ethics Office to discuss further and/or provide additional information.
Our Code of Ethics
Speak up, challenge and act when something doesn’t feel right
Acting responsibly
- Safety
- Environmental protection
- Insider threats
- Physical security
- Community volunteering, investment and sponsorship
- Human right
People and behaviour
- Drugs and alcohol
- Discrimination, harassment
and bullying - Workplace violence
Conflicts of interest
- Conflicts of interest
- Relationships with third parties
- Price-sensitive information,
insider trading and material
non-public information
and transparency
- Fraud, bribery and corruption
- Gifts and hospitality
- Business travel and expenses
- Use of company resources
- Political interactions and lobbying
- Competition
Information and
- Data privacy
- Electronic communications
- Information security
- Managing records
- Social media