Speaking up is not always the easy thing, but it is essential to living our values. Speak up if you think you or someone else might have made a mistake, or violated the law, our Standards of Conduct for Business Practices or IU Health policy. The sooner that IU Health learns of a problem or concern, the sooner we can work to resolve it. IU Health may not take disciplinary action against you, or mistreat you because you sought guidance or raised a concern.
Report HIPAA/Privacy Concern
Please report HIPAA concerns by calling or emailing the Privacy Office: 317.963.1940 or HIPAA@iuhealth.org.
Global Mobile Access
No workstation, no problem. Our mobile site allows you to report a concern as soon as identified. Scan the QR code above for access to the mobile site.Call
If you prefer to report by phone, an operator is ready to take receive and submit your concern.