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New Mexico State University Ethics and Compliance Reporting Line
If the situation you are reporting is an immediate safety threat, to include actual violence, threatened violence, or possession of an illegal weapon, please do not use EthicsPoint to report your concern. Instead, please immediately dial 911 so appropriate law enforcement can be dispatched to the scene to address the danger.
New Mexico State University (NMSU) is committed to the highest ethical and
professional standards of conduct. NMSU offers the independently operated EthicsPoint reporting service to encourage reporting by anyone with knowledge regarding suspected or actual violations of law or university policy by NMSU community members. This hotline can be used for either direct or anonymous reporting, and all reports will be forwarded to and addressed by the appropriate NMSU administrators. Raising these concerns is a service to NMSU and will not jeopardize your employment. NMSU policy prohibits retaliation against an individual who in good faith reports or provides information about concerns or suspected violations.
Reports involving discrimination or sexual misconduct are particularly difficult to properly investigate when reported anonymously and you are strongly encouraged to report such matters directly to the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) at 575-646-3635 or
Please note this reporting line is not a complaint resolution service and is not intended to replace or supersede any existing reporting methods or protocols, and is not to be used to report immediate health, fire or safety concerns. Please call 911 to report these issues.
To File a Report
You may use any of the following methods to submit a report:
Call 1-866-384-4277 (toll free)
Submit online by selecting your location from the list provided below.
Para hacer una denuncia en español, favor de llamar 1-866-384-4277
Select the city in which the violation took place.
Select the location where the violation took place.
Click the "Continue" button to proceed with filing your report.