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ATTENTION! This web page is hosted on EthicsPoint's secure servers and is not part of the Inland Empire Utilities Agency web site or intranet.
The Inland Empire Utilities Agency (Agency) is committed to conducting business with the highest ethical standards. The Agency is dedicated to serving customers and the public in a manner that upholds this commitment to ethical conduct. The Agency is also committed to providing employees with a safe and ethical work environment. The Agency’s Board of Directors and Management team value your input.
The Agency utilizes EthicsPoint (NAVEX) to provide an anonymous and confidential method for reporting conduct that may be unethical, illegal, or inconsistent with Agency policies. Reports submitted through EthicsPoint are confidential and anonymous.
EthicsPoint (NAVEX) is accessible to all including external stakeholders, the public, and Agency employees. Reports can be submitted as follows.
Online: EthicsPoint (NAVEX)
By phone: 1-866-EthicsP (1-866-384-4277)
Inland Empire Utilities Agency
6075 Kimball Ave.
Chino, CA 91768
It is recommended that a reporter establish a Report Key to allow for follow-up on a report. Reporters will be assigned a Report Key and asked to provide a password. Reporters will be asked to provide their Report Key and password when following up on the status of the report.
Online: EthicsPoint (NAVEX)
By phone: 1-866-EthicsP (1-866-384-4277)
Reports filed through EthicsPoint (NAVEX) are received directly by the Agency’s General Counsel, who conducts a thorough review before determining appropriate action.

Knowingly and willfully submitting false allegations against employees or officials of the Agency could result in punitive action. Submissions to this website should be based on the highest standard of conduct and professional integrity.
To File a Report
You may use either of the following two methods to submit a report:
  • Call 1-866-ETHICSP (1-866-384-4277) toll free, or
  • File a report using the link below.
After you complete your report you will be assigned a unique code called a "report key." Write down your report key and password and keep them in a safe place. After 5-6 business days, use your report key and password to check your report for feedback or questions.