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Fraud Report Online
Submit a Fraud
Report by Phone: (800) 543-0867
Spanish or Other Languages Services available

To report fraud in Spanish or another language, please call 1-800-543-0867.

Welcome to the fraud reporting system for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Montana, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma, and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, Divisions of Health Care Service Corporation, a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.

Health care fraud, waste and abuse have a negative effect on the health care industry and our nation. Health care fraud costs billions of dollars each year. It impacts all of us in the long run.

Para denunciar el fraude en español, o en otro idioma, llame al 1 800 543 0867.

Le damos la bienvenida al sistema de denuncias de fraude de Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Montana, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma, y Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, divisiones de Health Care Service Corporation, a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, licenciataria independiente de Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.

El fraude, malgasto y abuso de los servicios médicos tiene un efecto negativo en la industria de la atención médica y nuestra nación. Los casos de fraude de servicios médicos cuestan miles de millones de dólares. Nos afecta a todos a largo plazo.