Our Commitment
We at MCC believe that all people are created in God’s image and are loved and valued by God. In the work that we do, we have power. When power is abused, people get hurt and MCC’s mission is undermined.
We commit to keep people safe within the work we do, prevent abuse of power in our workplace and programs, and treat all people who interact with MCC with dignity and respect. We also commit to take care of creation and manage our resources ethically and with integrity.
When we fail in our commitments and abuse our power, we want to know about it. We will treat all reports seriously and confidentially, investigate as appropriate and support anyone who has been harmed. We will also take steps to reduce the chance of future harm and prevent it from happening again.
What to report
Please report any abuse of power by people who are connected with MCC or the partners and programs we support. Abuses of power can include:
- Violation of our Ethical and Professional Standards
- Misconduct (including workplace harassment; all forms of discrimination; racism; sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment; child abuse; bullying; violence and other actions you suspect may be considered misconduct)
- Unfair or inappropriate management of resources, including fraud, bribery, corruption and theft
- Other unethical actions or violations of MCC policies
You can also use this site to report program activities that are inaccessible or limit participation for diverse people (i.e. due to language of activities, physical space where activities are held, communication method, etc.).
How to report
If you believe that an abuse of power has occurred, please let us know in any of these ways:
- Contact or talk directly to a person.
- For MCC staff, volunteers, board members, interns and consultants - contact your supervisor, director, relevant HR staff, or focal point.
- For anyone else (partners, program participants, community members, constituents, donors) – contact a representative from your local MCC.
- Report your concern using the Speak Up Service by filling out the online form on your computer or a smartphone, or by calling the phone number for your location and speaking with a NAVEX (EthicsPoint) operator in your preferred language.
Reporting your concern through the Speak Up Service is recommended if:
- You wish to remain anonymous (reporters can choose to report anonymously or to identify themselves)
- You prefer to report directly into the case management system
- You cannot or prefer not to report your concern directly to a person
- You feel unsafe reporting your concern directly to a person.
Information you provide through the Speak Up Service will be sent to us by NAVEX (EthicsPoint) confidentially.
When making a report, we encourage you to provide your name and contact information if you feel okay about it. This allows us to follow up with you regarding your concerns, especially if more information is needed.
If you prefer to remain anonymous, please be as detailed as possible, as our response can be limited by the amount of information we receive. MCC case managers assigned to screen, review, or investigate a concern can communicate with anonymous reporters through anonymous messaging within the system. If you report anonymously, please maintain the “report key” and check back regularly for any communications. You will not be asked to identify yourself during any communication.
As it says above, we promise to hear your concerns, take them seriously and confidentially, investigate as appropriate, support anyone who has been harmed, and act to reduce the chance of future harm.
More about MCC’s Speak Up Service
MCC’s Speak Up Service is hosted and operated by NAVEX (EthicsPoint). Reports entered on this secure server or through the phone will be made available only to specific, trained individuals within MCC who are responsible for responding.
See the EthicsPoint FAQs for more information.
To Make a Report
- Select the country in which you are located.
After you complete your report, you will be assigned a unique code called a "report key." Write down your report key and password and keep them in a safe place. After 5-6 business days, use your report key and password to check your report for feedback or questions.
EthicsPoint is NOT a 911 or Emergency Service:
Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local authorities.