Report Suspected Fraud, Waste, and Abuse
As part of the Ascension commitment to the Mission, Vision and Values, it is important that anyone who has a concern about the integrity, compliance or ethics of our organization has an opportunity to report that concern confidentially and without fear of retribution or retaliation. The site is hosted by an independent contractor who will forward the information to us confidentially. If you choose to remain anonymous, please provide complete and detailed information as this will assist in our investigation. In deciding whether to identify yourself, keep in mind that our policy prohibits retaliation against anyone who reports a concern in good faith.
If you are an associate of Ascension and reporting a fraud, waste, and abuse concern, please contact Ascension Values Line at 1-800-707-2198 or to report a concern.
After you submit your report, you will receive a unique report key and be asked to choose a password. You will need both the report key and password to check the status of your report.
Si necesita enviar una sospecha de fraude, desperdicio y abuso en español, comuníquese con la línea directa al 1-844-233-8635.