The University has established an anonymous Ethics and Compliance Hotline, independently
administered by the third-party provider EthicsPoint, to allow for anonymous and
confidential reporting of activities that may involve improper conduct or violations of
law or Boston University policies as further described below. Reports will be
investigated promptly by the University in accordance with university protocols with the
objective of addressing any improper conduct or violations that are identified.
This anonymous, confidential reporting is designed specifically for concerns and
complaints relating to the following types of issues:
- Academic Affairs
- Athletics
- Code of Ethical Conduct Matters
- Conflicts of Interest
- Environmental Health & Safety
- Financial Matters
- Research
- Student Safety
- Other
This hotline is not a substitute for, nor does it supersede, any existing reporting
methods or protocols for handling concerns and complaints. If you would like to report
your concern to Boston University directly and are uncertain how to begin, contact the
Compliance Services Office (;
617-358-8090) or refer to the Compliance
Services website for more assistance.