
Hosted by NAVEX

Our Commitment to Ethics & Compliance

A Message from Bill Brown

Great and enduring companies are driven by purpose, and built on a foundation of trust – trust from our customers, employees, partners, shareholders and communities. At 3M, we cannot break that trust – ever.

We’ve earned our reputation for integrity over many decades, and no one at 3M is free to compromise it. We owe it to all who count on us – especially our families and colleagues – to do business the right way, at all times and under all circumstances.

Every decision we make must be guided by our Code of Conduct. If you see something that doesn’t look right, it is the responsibility of each of us to ask questions and raise concerns. Living and working by our values is fundamental to our continued success, as a company and as individuals.

Thank you for your commitment to doing business the right way.

William Brown

3M Chief Executive Officer

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