No matter which division you work for, we want to hear from you.

Things you should know about Velocity Vehicle Group Compliance

Who can I speak to?

Employees should report concerns to a supervisor or manager, an HR representative, any member of the Compliance department, or Velocity Vehicle Group’s Speak Up Line.

What is the Speak Up Line?

It is a confidential channel through which you can raise concerns about ethics, compliance or Velocity Vehicle Group’s Code of Conduct. Reporters may choose to remain anonymous if they do not wish to identify themselves.

Who administers the Speak Up Line?

The Speak Up Line is administered by an independent company (NAVEX), is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and can accommodate calls in more than 75 languages.

What happens after I contact the Speak Up Line?

Once you submit a concern via phone or web, you will receive a report key and password which can be used to follow up on your submission. Then, an electronic summary is sent to a member of the Velocity Vehicle Group Compliance team for review and to determine further action.

What is Velocity Vehicle Group’s stance on retaliation?

Retaliation for reporting a concern in good faith is strictly prohibited, and should be reported.

Are reports to the Speak Up Line secure and confidential?

Velocity Vehicle Group uses NAVEX's EthicsPoint case management application to support the administration of the Speak Up Line. EthicsPoint is hosted on NAVEX's secure servers and is not part of Velocity Vehicle Group’s website or Intranet. Any report you make will be kept confidential to the fullest extent possible consistent with law and good business practices.