Welcome to the Mistreatment Reporting Site at Albert Einstein College of Medicine
At Albert Einstein College of Medicine, we are committed to fostering a learning environment that is safe, inclusive, and supportive. We strive to ensure that every member of our community—students, faculty, and staff—feels valued and respected. If concerns about mistreatment or unprofessional behavior arise, we are dedicated to addressing them thoughtfully and fairly.
Einstein’s Medical Student Mistreatment Policy ensures that no individual will face retaliation for participating in the reporting process. Both state and federal laws, as well as Einstein’s institutional policies, protect against retaliation related to reports of mistreatment, harassment, or discrimination.
Reporting an Incident
If you have experienced or witnessed mistreatment or unprofessional behavior, we encourage you to submit a report through this site. You will have the option to remain anonymous (where your identity is unknown to the committee) or confidential (where your identity is shared only with the committee but not with other involved parties). The Einstein Learning Environment Committee (ELEC) will review all concerns with sensitivity and discretion.
About the Einstein Learning Environment Committee (ELEC)
The ELEC is dedicated to providing an impartial, supportive, and accessible resource for Einstein students and postdoctoral fellows (PhD) who wish to raise concerns about their learning environment and interactions with faculty, clinical staff, or peers.
While we continuously work to maintain a respectful and professional learning environment, we recognize that challenges may still arise. The ELEC was established to address these concerns, ensuring that all reports are reviewed thoroughly, fairly, and in alignment with institutional policies.
Students and postdoctoral fellows (PhD) who submit reports can be assured that their concerns will be reviewed in accordance with their selected level of confidentiality.
The ELEC Committee Members:
Ombuds Faculty:
- Elizabeth Dinces, MD, MS, Chair
- Deborah White, MD, Co-Chair
- Paul E. Levin, MD
- U. Thomas Meier, PhD
Representatives from:
- The Office of Student Affairs
- The Office of Medical Education
- The Office of Diversity Enhancement
- The Office of the Vice Dean for Education
Our Commitment
Albert Einstein College of Medicine values open, honest communication and supports all members of its community. The ELEC’s mission is to offer confidential, fair, and accessible support to students and postdoctoral fellows.
Reporting Process
- If you choose to identify yourself in your report, a member of the ELEC will contact you to arrange a confidential meeting to discuss your concerns. You are welcome to bring a companion to this meeting for support. If you opt to remain anonymous, your report will still be assessed, and you can track its progress through the portal using a unique report key and password.
- With your consent, the ELEC will assess the concerns by speaking with relevant individuals such as course or clerkship directors, laboratory members, or residency directors. The committee generally does not directly approach the named individual but gathers information in a way that protects your privacy. The timing of this review will be guided by your preferences, unless immediate action is required due to imminent risk or legal obligations.
- Within two weeks of the ELEC’s initial outreach, the appropriate supervisor will address the concern with the involved party.
- The process can be adapted based on your comfort level and preferences in consultation with an ELEC member.
- The ELEC meets monthly to review submitted reports and ensure appropriate follow-up.
We appreciate your commitment to fostering a positive and respectful learning environment at Einstein. If you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to any members of the ELEC.
To Make a Report Online
If you are a Montefiore Einstein employee (not a learner or postdoctoral fellow (PhD)), please report your concern on the Montefiore EthicsPoint portal:
To Make a Report by Phone
After you complete your report, you will be assigned a unique code called a "report key." Write down your report key and password and keep them in a safe place. After 5-6 business days, use your report key and password to check your report for feedback or questions.