Welcome to EthicsPoint*

AvalonBay's anonymous and confidential web-based portal created to help associates report compliance and ethics concerns.

To make a report using www.avalonbayhotline.com

After you complete your report, you will be assigned a "Report Key" code. Write the Report Key code and password down and keep them in a safe place for your future reference.

To Follow-Up on a report using www.avalonbayhotline.com


If you previously filed a report and have your Report Key code and password, click the "Follow-up on a Report" button to check status or provide additional information.

Other ways to make a confidential, anonymous report:
In addition to this website, concerns may also be reported by:

  • Phone: toll-free (24/7)
  • Direct AVB Contact

Legal Department (703) 317-4639
Human Resources (703) 317-4797
Internal Audit (703) 317-4718

INTEGRITY - Commit to it!

At AvalonBay (AVB), safeguarding ethics is everyone's responsibility. Our associates' commitment to integrity and spirit of caring are part of what makes AVB such a great place. By bringing issues to our attention sooner rather than later, we can resolve matters quickly and be able to get back to business.

Timely resolution... we commit to it.

Our Core Values

  • Commitment to Integrity
  • Spirit of Caring
  • Focus on Continuous Improvement

Anonymous & Confidential

Concerns and reports regarding financial fraud, abuse, or possible Code of Business Conduct and Ethics violations are made anonymously and confidentially through EthicsPoint, a confidential third party hotline. You will not be subject to retaliation or discrimination for making a report in good faith.

Confidentiality... we commit to it!