OMEGA Compliance
Hosted on an EthicsPoint secured server
This webpage is hosted on EthicsPoint’s secure server and is not a part of Omega’s website or intranet.

The Ethics & Compliance Hotline is available for questions and advice about policies, laws, the right person to contact, or the right course of action; and for reports of possible violations of Omega’s Code of Ethics, Omega’s Supplier Code of Conduct, Omega’s policies or laws.

This reporting mechanism enables any person to report any possible illegal, unethical or improper conduct either through a multilingual Hotline or by filing a report through this site.

Callers may remain anonymous (caller ID is not used), and those who choose to provide their name will have their identity protected to the extent allowed by law. The Ethics Helpline is operated by an independent, third-party provider (EthicsPoint), who helps ensure the confidentiality and anonymity of calls.

For a more complete description of the types of incidents to report on this site, or through the Hotline, please click on the “Make a Report” link above. Any incident involving immediate threats to life or property should be reported immediately to emergency services.

Please note: If you decide to file a report through this site, please remember to return to this site within 48 hours, if possible, to answer any questions and requests for further information the Company may have concerning your report. If you have elected to use the phone in option to make a report, please call again and the operator will assist you in responding to any requests or questions.

REMEMBER, you can be anonymous whether you file a report on this site or through the Hotline.

EthicsPoint is NOT an Emergency Service:
Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local authorities.