Do you have knowledge of a potential YPO Community Standards or policy violation?

Submit a report by phone:

From inside the United States call toll free +1 866 295 3760
From outside the United States:

Our Commitment >>

YPO is committed to the highest level of integrity and business conduct. This means YPO operates in accordance with YPO Policies and Procedures, applicable laws and regulations and with the highest standards of business ethics. All YPO stakeholders are responsible for reporting suspected violations and/or concerns.

Our Partner >>

YPO has selected NAVEX (EthicsPoint) to provide simple, risk-free ways to report harassment, discrimination, mistreatment, violations of the Community Standards, unethical or illegal activities or breaches of confidentiality. Individuals have the option to keep the reports confidential and to file reports anonymously.

YPO’s Confidential Reporting Line FAQs

>>What is the YPO Confidential Reporting Line?
  • YPO’s confidential reporting line is provided through EthicsPoint, a NAVEX solution, and is a tool that allows people to report suspected unethical activity or policy violations, anonymously if they choose.
>>When should I use the Confidential Reporting Line?
  • Use EthicsPoint when you observe or suspect unethical activity or policy violations and are uncomfortable reporting them directly.
>>How do I use the Confidential Reporting Line to report a concern?
  • You may use EthicsPoint in one of two ways:
    • Call the toll-free number and speak with a NAVEX client services representative.
    • Submit a report online through the EthicsPoint portal.
>>What can I expect when I make a report?
  • A NAVEX client services representative will forward your report within 24 hours of submittal to YPO for investigation/resolution (anonymously, if you choose). YPO will investigate your reported issue as quickly as possible.
  • If you submitted a report anonymously, you will have to check the site periodically for status updates and resolution.
>>What happens when I call the EthicsPoint phone number?
  • The EthicsPoint phone line is staffed by NAVEX client services representatives 24 hours a day/seven days a week. A representative will take your call and submit a report on your behalf.