Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. If you require emergency assistance, contact your local authorities or call the Robert Morris University Public Safety Office at 412-397-2424.
ATTENTION! This webpage is hosted on EthicsPoint's secure servers and is not part of the Robert Morris University website or intranet.
You may also make a report by calling EthicsPoint directly at 1-800-963-5593, toll free.

Robert Morris University Confidential Reporting System

Robert Morris University recognizes its obligation to its students, employees, partners, and the general public to maintain the highest ethical standards. To ensure that we meet this standard, RMU has chosen EthicsPoint to provide a simple, risk-free way to confidentially and anonymously report activities that may involve unethical or otherwise inappropriate activity or behavior in violation of University policies. Reports submitted through the EthicsPoint reporting hotline will be forwarded to University personnel for prompt and appropriate investigation, follow-up and response. You may file a confidential report with Robert Morris University through this site or by calling EthicsPoint toll-free at 1-800-963-5593.

Our Commitment

All RMU faculty, staff, and vendors are bound by the University’s Policy of Ethical Practice, and we pledge that any violations of this policy will be thoroughly investigated and addressed. Furthermore, we protect the right of anyone who acts in good faith to report misconduct anonymously, if desired, and without fear of reprisal. We are bound to uphold high ethical standards in all interactions with students, the public, and each other.

What To Report

You should report any action or situation which you believe violates RMU’s Policy of Ethical Practice or any applicable law, regulation, or other University policy. Members of the University community are urged to notify the Department of Public Safety immediately of any criminal activity or other emergency that occurs on campus.

Other Reporting Options and Resources

Often it is best to first raise your concerns within your own department or through ordinary University channels.

Frequently Asked Questions

These Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) should help you decide whether the EthicsPoint reporting hotline is the most appropriate channel for reporting your concerns, or what other avenues you should pursue.