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Select the country/region in which the violation took place.
Select the state in which the violation took place.
Select the city in which the violation took place.
Select the location type where the violation took place.
Select the location where the violation took place.
Click the "Continue" button to proceed with filing your report.
By Phone
Report by Phone
Select the country/region in which you are located.
Calling restrictions may apply in some countries when using mobile phones, pay phones or hotel phones. Alternative methods for reporting include use of a landline phone or the Report Online feature on this site.
Our Pledge: It takes courage to report an activity or decision that is, or appears to be, contrary to our values. General Mills will not retaliate – or permit retaliation – against any employee for good faith reporting of ethical or legal concerns or cooperating in a company investigation. Please use this service to report retaliation concerns or contact Ethics & Compliance.
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