We want to hear from you if something doesn’t seem right or if you have questions about doing the right thing.
Do the right thing, all the time
This is NOT a 911 or Emergency Service:
Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local authorities.
For questions or concerns about a General Mills Product call 1-800-248-7310 or use this link.

How the Ethics Line works

The Ethics Line is hosted by an independent reporting service. It’s available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from any location worldwide and is multi-lingual. You may choose to remain anonymous. You can choose to make a toll-free call or use the web to submit your report.

Reports are routed to the General Mills Ethics & Compliance group for review and response. Reports are treated confidentially, fairly and consistently.

The Ethics Line allows Ethics & Compliance to post follow up questions to you and to let you know the status of your report, even if you remain anonymous.

You don’t need to be certain to make a report

Sometimes, employees wonder if it’s okay to report a concern when they don’t have all the facts. They are worried they will get in trouble for raising the concern, or they are worried they will hurt someone’s reputation. And if you are a manager, you may wonder how to best respond to a concern someone raises with you.

There is no need for you to investigate before you make a report. We will investigate the concerns you raise. We are careful when looking into alleged wrongdoing to ensure that the reputation of the employees involved are protected. Investigations are conducted in an objective, fair and confidential way.

What to expect when you use the Ethics Line


Call (toll-free) or complete an online report.

Create a password and note your report key. Use Follow Up button on this site - or call the toll-free number - to check on the status of your report and to see if there are any follow up questions for you to answer. You will need your password and report key.


We will work with HR, Global Security and Global Internal Audit to investigate. Information is treated confidentially. If we have questions for you, we will post them in the report.


Due to confidentiality and employee privacy reasons, we may not be able to share the final results. Know that if we indicate we took “appropriate action,” that action could be coaching, discipline or separation from the company, depending on the nature of the concern and the results of the investigation.

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