Our Commitment
The responsibility for achieving The Texas A&M University System’s mission of teaching, research and outreach carries with it the duty to adhere to the highest ethical standards and principles. In recognizing our obligation to our students, employees, and other stakeholders to maintain these ethical principles and standards, the A&M System has established the Risk, Fraud and Misconduct Hotline. The hotline is a web and telephone based reporting system that provides a way to anonymously report instances of misconduct.
Every person, regardless of position, shares in the responsibility for promoting an ethical and safe environment. If you have factual information suggestive of misconduct involving any A&M System member, employee, student, or other affiliate, we want you to report it. Examples of reportable issues include fraud, theft, misuse of A&M System resources or information, violations of safety rules or environmental laws, conflicts of interest, NCAA violations, illegal discrimination, and general student and/or employee misconduct.
We would like you to resolve concerns through established institution/agency channels whenever possible, but we recognize that this is not always an option. In such circumstances, we encourage you to utilize the Risk, Fraud and Misconduct Hotline so that we may properly address your concerns. The Hotline is operated 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Reports submitted through the Hotline will be forwarded to the appropriate institution or agency officials for prompt action and the reporter can remain anonymous to the extent allowed by law.
Risk, Fraud and Misconduct Hotline
Although the following issues may be reported through this hotline, processes for reporting these concerns have been established through the policies and regulations of the A&M System’s, as well as the rules and procedures of each institution or agency. We encourage you to follow the established processes whenever possible.
The polices, regulations, rules and procedures for the following issues can be found at www.tamus.edu/offices/policy/policies:
- Faculty Grievances
- Nonfaculty Grievances
- Student Grievances
- Sexual Harassment
- Research Misconduct
In addition, The Texas A&M University System’s Ethics Policy can be found at https://policies.tamus.edu/07-01.pdf while the Fraud Policy can be found at https://policies.tamus.edu/10-02.pdf.
The Risk, Fraud and Misconduct Hotline is available for all of us, to ensure The Texas A&M University System continues to operate under the highest ethical standards and principles. Allegations reported on the hotline will be reviewed in accordance with established processes found in the A&M System policy and regulation library. You can also report issues involving fraud, waste and abuse to the Texas State Auditor’s Office by calling 1-800-892-8348 or submitting a report online at https://sao.fraud.texas.gov/ReportFraud/.