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Align is committed to conducting business with honesty and ethical behavior. Our purpose is to transform smiles and changes lives, and our success depends upon our integrity and professionalism. Every Align employee, contractor, director, officer, agent and anyone that has a contract with Align is required to follow Align’s Global Code of Conduct.

If you have a concern about the conduct of any Align employee or anyone representing Align, we want to hear about it. That is why we have this portal, where you can report conduct that appears to be illegal, unethical, or otherwise inconsistent with our Global Code of Conduct. Once a report is submitted, we take it seriously and always conduct an appropriate inquiry into any concern.

If you file a report through this portal, you may choose to identify yourself or remain anonymous. All reports are kept confidential to the extent permitted by law and policy. We prohibit retaliation and this means that you will not be retaliated against if you, in good faith, seek advice, raise a potential violation of law, Align's code, policies and procedures. In addition to this portal, you may also report a concern or ask a question to any Align supervisor, manager, the Align Ethics and Compliance Office, Align's Human Resources team, the Executive Leadership team, or others identified in the Align Speak Up Policy.

Our commitment to integrity is built on trust, which we develop by listening to those who speak up.

For a full copy of the Speak Up policy click here.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)