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Use of the Integrity Hotline

Please use this site if you have evidence of fabrication or manipulation of AP audio, graphics, stories/text, photographs or video or of any other serious violation of the AP's News Values and Principles. Any other comments, complaints or questions about a story should be sent to, and they will be forwarded to the appropriate reporter or editor.

EthicsPoint is NOT a 911 or Emergency Service. Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local authorities.


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If you would prefer to ask a question or file a report via phone: Call 1-888-271-4725 in the U.S. or click here for more calling options.

Our Commitment to Integrity

Every day, people across the world rely on AP to bring them the truth. The ethics and integrity we have demonstrated throughout our history are unsurpassed.

AP is committed to ensuring that these standards of integrity extend to our business conduct as well as our newsgathering. The Associated Press integrity hotline is an important tool in realizing this goal. The integrity hotline offers employees, members, customers and vendors a confidential means to report on suspected violations of company policy or law or other potential improper business conduct. The integrity hotline is secure and independently operated by EthicsPoint and can be accessed through this website or by phone. The hotline provides individuals the opportunity to report anonymously if they so choose.

Reporting suspected wrongdoing takes courage and commitment. But courage and commitment are something AP employees always have demonstrated. We rely on our employees' sense of what is right and ethical and expect them to act accordingly. In turn, AP management promises to take all reports seriously and to investigate fully all allegations without bias. Further, AP prohibits retaliation against anyone who raises a business conduct concern in good faith or cooperates in a company investigation.

Thank you for your continued commitment to maintaining the highest standards of ethics and integrity in all aspects of conduct at The Associated Press.

Daisy Veerasingham
President and CEO

The Associated Press