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Fordham University is committed to excellence and strives to maintain the highest ethical standards in its operations and in its relationships with employees and organizations with which it does business.
Fordham’s faculty, administrators and staff are responsible for helping to create and maintain an environment characterized by high standards of ethical behavior and compliance with University statutes, policies, federal, state and local laws and regulations. If you have information about behavior believed to be in violation of the law or University policies, the normal course of action is to report these suspected violations to one's supervisor or to the person or office that is designated as responsible for investigating and responding to the specific situation.
The University strongly encourages employees and other members of the Fordham community to report concerns of misconduct relating to financial reporting or irregularities, misappropriation of property, integrity of research, and other forms of unethical and improper behavior. If it is not feasible to report such concerns to one’s own supervisor or through other normal lines of communication including Human Resources and Senior Management, an alternative may be available, such as the Offices of Safety and Security, Internal Audit or Legal Counsel.
Situations may arise, however, when an individual discovers or reasonably suspects unethical or illegal behavior and yet may be reluctant to report it for fear of reprisal or retaliation. Accordingly, Fordham University has selected a third-party to provide an Integrity Hotline which offers an anonymous means of reporting situations when an individual chooses not to use the other aforementioned reporting procedures.
When a person feels uncomfortable speaking directly with a supervisor or other University office, EthicsPoint will help facilitate confidential and anonymous reporting through either direct calling or online process to report activities or concerns about any aspect of University compliance.
Anonymous reporting may be filed by calling 1-888-278-1501 or by selecting the appropriate category from the list to the upper left.
Completed reports submitted via EthicsPoint will be handled promptly and discreetly. Persons filing reports are not required to provide their names and the University will respect anonymity and confidentiality insofar as practical and in accordance with the law. We encourage anyone making a report to return to this web site within 14 business days of filing a report to determine if the University requires further information in order to proceed or supplement the investigation. When returning to the web site, use the Report Key assigned by EthicsPoint and your private password.
It is a longstanding University policy that any member of the University community who attempts to interfere, coerce, discriminate against, or harass (whether overtly or covertly) another person making a report in good faith about potential or suspected improper behavior, will be subject to prompt and appropriate discipline. Likewise, any member of the University community who knowingly reports a false complaint may be subject to appropriate discipline.
TO FILE A REPORT - You may use the following methods to submit a report:
Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local authorities and the University's Security Services:
Rose Hill - 718-817-2222, Lincoln Center - 212-636-6076, Westchester - 914-367-3001