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Follow-up on a Report Harassment Grievances Whistleblower Policy

The below crime reporting categories are solely designed for the ease of confidential/anonymous reporting and are not designed to correspondence to City , State, or Clery Act legal definitions.

To Make a Report

You may use either of the following two methods to submit a report:

This process is not intended to replace or supersede normal managerial and Human Resources communication channels.

After you complete your report you will be assigned a unique code called a "report key." Write down your report key and password and keep them in a safe place. After 10 business days, use your report key and password to check your report for feedback or questions.

Teachers College, Columbia University has selected EthicsPoint to provide you with a simple, anonymous way to confidentially report activities that may involve certain improper conduct or violations of the College's policies. You may file a report on this web site, or you may do so by telephone through the EthicsPoint Call Center by dialing toll-free 888-329-6420.

This hotline service does not replace or supersede existing reporting methods. Instead, the EthicsPoint system is intended to offer an additional means of reporting in situations in which the individual making the report is unable or unwilling to use the existing procedures and provides a method of reporting issues or complaint anonymously.

This service is designed specifically for complaints such as those related to financial, accounting, or donor stewardship issues, conflict of interest issues, environmental health and safety matters, ethics concerns, and grant misconduct or misappropriation of costs. The College encourages its employees and students to attempt to resolve problems or disputes through established channels whenever possible. The College's hotline and reporting web page can be used for either direct or anonymous reporting.

Teachers College asserts that reports submitted via EthicsPoint will be handled promptly and discreetly, receiving careful consideration with the objective of addressing any improper conduct or violation of College policy. No retaliatory action will be taken against anyone for reporting or inquiring in good faith about potential breaches of TC's polices or for seeking guidance on how to handle suspected breaches. Reports submitted through EthicsPoint will be given careful attention by Teachers College with the objective of correcting the situation being reported, once the facts have been corroborated.

This hotline should not be used for HR matters, or issues concerning harassment or grievances. These matters should be reported using the existing policies and procedures designed to effectively address them. Please use the recommended procedures outlined by the Office of Human Resources for the following types of issues:

We encourage reporters to return to this web site within 10 days of filing a report using the Report Key assigned by EthicsPoint and your private password. The College may have information on your report, or may require further information from you in order to proceed with an investigation. In either case your anonymity will be protected by EthicsPoint.

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