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The New York Life Ethics Hotline is an anonymous way for employees, agents, and clients of New York Life and certain of its affiliates, including Ausbil, Seguros Monterrey, and Tristan to report situations that may violate the Standards of Business Conduct or appear to be unlawful.

Our Commitment To Integrity

New York Life has a rich and uncompromising history of acting with integrity and humanity. We are deeply engrained in these core values, grounded in confidence and humility, and stewards for the long-term. These standards served as the cornerstone of New York Life’s culture for over 170 years.

We each play an important part in maintaining the Company’s ethical reputation by understanding and complying with Company policies, asking for guidance when necessary and reporting potential issues or violations. All employees and agents have a duty to immediately report concerns that are – or appear to be – unethical, unlawful, or violate Company policy. By raising your hand about suspected unethical activity, you are doing your part in protecting our brand and maintaining a positive workplace for yourself and your colleagues.


The Ethics Hotline number and website offer you confidentiality to report a situation. You can place an anonymous call to the Ethics Hotline number or submit your concerns anonymously via the web.

Where To Get Answers and Help

You can place an anonymous call to the Ethics Hotline number or submit your concerns anonymously via the web.

If you are not sure that something is a violation of New York Life policy or involves unethical conduct, you may wish to speak with your manager if you are an employee or, depending on the issue, you may want to contact Human Resources for guidance. If you are an agent, speak with your Managing Partner or contact your Zone Agency Standards Officer.

You may also contact Jennifer Newman.

It is better to report a situation that turns out to be harmless rather than to let possible unethical behavior go unresolved.

Attention GBS Customers: If you need assistance with your claim, please send an email to the GBS Advocacy team at

Ethics Hotline

Employees and agents are obligated to immediately report situations that might violate the Code of Conduct or appear to be unlawful.

We have an easy way for you to report violations of our Code of Conduct, securities law violations, concerns about accounting and auditing matters as well as suspected illegal or unethical activity 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - the Ethics Hotline. Employees and agents can make a report either on the web or by phone through EthicsPoint, a third party ethics hotline service.

All reports are taken seriously and handled promptly. The Company does not permit retaliation for reports made in good faith.

EthicsPoint - Integrity at Work
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