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Commonly Asked Questions

What is the ATI Ethics HelpLine?

The ATI Ethics HelpLine is our ethics and compliance helpline. It provides a confidential way to raise your questions or concerns about possible unethical or illegal conduct or inappropriate behavior at ATI (including the ATI Companies), or to share a success, openly or anonymously, if and when you prefer not to use ATI’s internal channels. The ATI Ethics HelpLine is operated by EthicsPoint, Inc. It’s available globally 24 hours per day, seven days per week.

Note that, for individuals in certain European countries, the ATI Ethics HelpLine only allows you to report concerns or complaints relating to anti-bribery, auditing and accounting, banking, and financial matters. Should individuals in Europe wish to raise questions about or report other matters, your reports should be made directly to your local management, human resources or the ATI Law Department. See the response to “What types of problems and concerns should be reported?” below.

Why should I use the ATI Ethics HelpLine?

You can use the ATI Ethics HelpLine to ask a question about how to handle a situation under the ATI ATI Corporate Guidelines or to report potential—or suspected—illegal or unethical conduct or violations of corporate policies, laws or regulations at ATI, or to share a success story regarding compliance and ethics, if and when you prefer not to use ATI’s internal channels.

Note that, for individuals in certain European countries, due to data privacy and data protection considerations, the ATI Ethics HelpLine only allows you to report concerns or complaints relating to anti-bribery, auditing and accounting, banking, and financial matters. Should individuals in Europe wish to raise questions about or report other matters, your reports should be made directly to your local management, human resources or the ATI Law Department. See the response to “What types of problems and concerns should be reported?” below.

Complying with sound ethical standards is one of the most important responsibilities of all ATI employees. Each of us, through our daily actions, determines what kind of company we are. If you have a concern, if you are not sure what is right in a particular circumstance, if you have reasonable grounds to think others in our Company might be breaking the rules, you should let us know.

If I am a union-represented employee in the U.S., may I submit a report through the ATI Ethics HelpLine?

Yes, you may. However, if you are a union-represented employee in the U.S., the ATI Ethics HelpLine is not a substitute for the grievance procedure provided by your collective bargaining agreement for matters governed by that agreement. Unless the report also involves matters outside the collective bargaining agreement, you should use the applicable grievance procedure.

If I’m not an employee of ATI can I still contact the ATI Ethics HelpLine?

Yes. Anyone who has a question or concern about potential—or suspected—legal, ethical or policy violations at ATI may contact the ATI Ethics HelpLine.

What if this is an emergency?

Concerns about an immediate threat of physical harm or damage to property should not be reported to the ATI Ethics HelpLine. If you require emergency assistance, please follow your facility’s emergency reporting procedures.

Should I report my concern through the ATI Ethics HelpLine or my manager?

You are encouraged to talk with your manager, human resources representative, department or plant manager, organization head or business unit president. Under our “open door” policy, you are encouraged to talk to any of the Company’s business leaders. ATI has found that internal concerns usually can be resolved most quickly and satisfactorily when they are raised with internal resources such as management or human resources. You may also contact your facility’s ethics officer, the Corporate Ombudsman or the ATI Law Department. Contact information for the Corporate Ombudsman and the Law Department is available at Ethics Resources. If you are uncomfortable using our internal channels, if you do not know whom to contact, or if you believe your concern has not been satisfactorily addressed, please use the ATI Ethics HelpLine to raise your concern or report a problem.

Note that, for individuals in certain European countries, due to data privacy and data protection considerations, the ATI Ethics HelpLine only allows you to report concerns or complaints relating to anti-bribery, auditing and accounting, banking, and financial matters. Should individuals in Europe wish to raise questions about or report other matters, your reports should be made directly to your local management, human resources or the ATI Law Department. See the response to “What types of problems and concerns should be reported?” below.

What types of problems and concerns should be reported?

You can use the ATI Ethics HelpLine to ask a question, or to share a success, about a Company policy or compliance issue. You can also use it to report activities that may be illegal or unethical or violate Company policies, including concerns about:

  • Compliance with Antitrust/Competition Laws
  • Environmental Matters
  • Workplace Environment, including
    • Respectful Behavior or Discrimination and Harassment, and
    • Safety
  • Other Human Resources and Employment Law and Policy Matters
  • Government Contracting
  • International Business, including
    • International Trade and Export/Import Compliance, and
    • Anti-Bribery Laws (including US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act)
  • Political Activities—Contributions and Lobbying
  • Public Disclosures and Trading in Securities
  • Cooperation with Government Agencies
  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Unethical Business Practices, including
    • Unfair Dealing,
    • Improper Payments, and
    • Gifts, Loans and Entertainment
  • Integrity and Quality of Products and Technical Information
  • Integrity of Company Records, including
    • Accounting, Internal Controls and Auditing Matters,
    • Falsification of Company Records, and
    • Compliance with Financial Code of Ethics
  • Protection and Proper Use of Assets, including theft or misuse of
    • Confidential Information or Intellectual Property, or
    • Other Company Assets, including Computers and Other Electronic Information Resources
  • Retaliation
  • Other

For Individuals in Certain European Countries – Due to data privacy and data protection considerations, the ATI Ethics HelpLine only allows you to report concerns and complaints relating to anti-bribery, auditing and accounting, banking, and financial matters. Should you wish to report other matters, your reports should be made directly to your local management, human resources or the ATI Law Department. Also, while you cannot be required to share your name with the ATI Ethics HelpLine when you make a report, due to data protection and data privacy rules, you are strongly encouraged to identify yourself when raising a concern.

Please use the ATI Ethics HelpLine to report irregularities relating to anti-bribery, auditing and accounting, banking and financial matters only when you have factual and substantial suspicions that the irregularities have occurred or are highly likely to occur, and your factual and substantial suspicions should be included in your report. If you do not have factual and substantial suspicions, or where you feel a report using the ATI Ethics HelpLine is not absolutely necessary to reveal the irregularities or the irregularities appear to be insignificant, you should not make a report using this system, but should instead contact your local management, human resources, or the ATI Law Department.

What if I’m not certain the activity is illegal or unethical or I don’t have all the facts?

When in doubt, it’s best to report the activity using ATI’s Ethics Resources and provide the facts that you know. As a guide, ask yourself:

  • Would the activity inspire trust?
  • Is it legal and in compliance with the Company’s policies or procedures? If legal, is it also fair? Is it honest in every respect and in the Company’s best interests?
  • Could I defend it with a clear conscience before my supervisors, fellow workers and the general public?
  • Would a supervisor or an ATI officer act this way?
  • If I were doing it, would I be proud to read about it in the newspaper or on the internet?

If you answer “no” to any of these questions, you should let us know.

How can I ask my question or report my concern using the ATI Ethics HelpLine?

You may speak with a call specialist in EthicsPoint's call center, which answers calls to the ATI Ethics HelpLine, or you may complete a report on the ATI Ethics HelpLine website at Regardless of which option you select, you will have the option to remain anonymous if you so choose except in those countries that limit or prohibit anonymous reporting.

  • You can call the ATI Ethics HelpLine (operated by EthicsPoint).
    To contact the ATI Ethics HelpLine, call 1-800-777-9767 toll-free in the U.S. and Canada or click here for a list of applicable contact telephone numbers in other countries. In most countries, ATI offers a telephone number you can call at no cost to you. In most cases, the HelpLine will initially be answered in English. The HelpLine specialist who answers your call will bring an interpreter on the line if you would prefer to report your concern in a language other than English. You can reach a live operator 24 hours a day.
  • You can contact the ATI Ethics HelpLine by using a Web-based form.
    To ask a question or make a report from the ATI Ethics HelpLine website, click here.

What happens when I call the ATI Ethics HelpLine phone number?

You’ll speak with a call center specialist employed by EthicsPoint, Inc., which administers the ATI Ethics HelpLine. This person will gather information about your question or report, asking you to provide detailed information. You may choose to remain anonymous except in those countries that limit or prohibit anonymous reporting; however, remaining anonymous may limit a full investigation of the matter. Therefore, we encourage you to identify yourself. You should also be prepared, if you are willing, to provide the names of witnesses of any alleged misconduct. Once you are finished, the specialist will notify the ATI Ethics team of the new question or concern. The EthicsPoint call center specialist cannot provide you advice or resolve your issue over the phone. If your matter is urgent, s/he will provide you with information to contact the ATI Ethics team directly so you can receive immediate assistance. The call center specialist will provide you with a Report Key and personal password for you to access the follow-up on your inquiry or report after five business days. Keep this information in a safe place because you will need it to use the “Follow-up” feature to check on the status of your report at a later time.

What can I expect when I log on to the ATI Ethics HelpLine website?

The ATI Ethics HelpLine website walks you through the entire process. It presents questions, offers dropdown menus, and has text boxes for you to type in specific details about your questions or concerns. You may choose to remain anonymous; however, doing so may limit a full investigation of the matter. Therefore, we encourage you to identify yourself. You should also be prepared, if you are willing, to provide the names of witnesses of any alleged misconduct. After you supply all the necessary information, the system will assign you a Report Key and you will be asked to create a personal password for you to follow up on your inquiry or report after five business days. Keep this information in a safe place because you will need it to use the “Follow-up” feature to check on the status of your report at a later time.

Will I be required to disclose my name to ATI Ethics HelpLine?

When you use the ATI Ethics HelpLine, you will have the option to remain anonymous and not to disclose your name or to provide your employee ID number if you so choose, except in those countries that limit or prohibit anonymous reporting. However, if you do choose to remain anonymous, it may be more difficult to establish if the allegations are credible and made in good faith. It also may not be possible for the Company to carry out a full investigation. We therefore encourage you to identify yourself so that we can follow up on your questions or concerns as promptly and thoroughly as possible. Remember, it’s against ATI’s policy to punish or retaliate against an employee who in good faith reports an ethics or compliance violation or concern.

What happens if I identify myself?

If you choose to identify yourself in asking your question or reporting your concern, ATI will make every reasonable effort to hold your name in confidence. Your identity will be disclosed only to the ATI Ethics team and to those with a need to know in connection with the administration of the ATI legal and ethics compliance program. Everyone who receives such information is obligated to maintain confidentiality to the extent feasible. Many investigations can be more quickly and effectively completed when the reporter is identified because it allows the ATI Ethics team to follow up directly with the reporter.

How does ATI investigate concerns?

EthicsPoint notifies the ATI Ethics team when a question or concern is received. ATI then begins an appropriate investigation. Your question or the information in your report is shared with appropriate investigation team members, and the concern is investigated promptly and discreetly. As a general rule, persons who are the subject of the report will be informed that a report has been made and will be given the ability to provide additional or corrective information. You are able to monitor the status of the investigation by calling the ATI Ethics HelpLine or by clicking on link in the “Follow-up” feature on the ATI Ethics HelpLine website at We note that, in many cases, the need for confidentiality will prevent us from giving you specific information about the investigation or the results. Any information you receive regarding the investigation should be treated as confidential.

How does the “Follow-up” feature work and when should I use it?

Approximately five business days after you submit your question or report to the ATI Ethics HelpLine, you may check its status by calling the ATI Ethics HelpLine or using the “Follow-up” feature on the ATI Ethics HelpLine website. When you follow up on your inquiry or report, you will see whether the Company needs additional information to address your concern or question. So long as the report is active, both you and the Company can post information and confidentially ask questions. If you want to add new information about your report, use the “Follow-up” feature. Simply call the toll-free number or click on link at the “Follow up” feature on, and then provide your unique Report Key and password. Following up is particularly important if you choose to be anonymous because in that case we have no other way to communicate with you.

What should I do if I lose my Report Key or password?

Because of the high level of confidentiality that is maintained for in inquiries and reports, if you lose your Report Key or password, you will be required to file a new inquiry or report. You should mention in the new inquiry or report that this matter relates to another inquiry or report you supplied earlier.

What if I face retaliation for filing a report?

While it is unacceptable to file a report knowing it to be malicious or false, ATI policy strictly forbids retaliation against anyone who in good faith reports an ethics or compliance violation or concern. If you believe you have faced retaliation of any kind, please report it immediately to your manager, the Corporate Ombudsman (at 412-394-2991) or the ATI Ethics HelpLine so that the Company can investigate.

To what degree will my report be deleted or archived?

Information you submit and any results of our investigation will be deleted or archived as needed and as permitted by local law. Additional information regarding the deletion or archiving of reports and results of investigations is contained in the ATI Reporting Policy for Business Conduct and Ethics which is available on the ATI Today intranet site at “ATI Policies and Standards.”

Why has ATI contracted with EthicsPoint to handle the ATI Ethics HelpLine?

EthicsPoint is an independent company that provides secure, confidential telephone and web-based systems for use by those who wish to report a concern regarding business conduct and prefer not to use a company’s internal channels. EthicsPoint is adherent to the Safe Harbour Principles. ATI is one of many companies that use EthicsPoint for this service in the belief that the Company’s employees and other potential reporters may be more comfortable reporting a concern if they know they will be reporting to a professional, third-party. In addition to providing service 24 hours a day, EthicsPoint offers translation services that allow telephone and web reports to be made in many different languages.

What is EthicsPoint's role?

EthicsPoint's principal responsibilities are to:

  • Provide confidential telephone and web-based options for employees and other reporters to ask questions or state concerns about ATI’s business conduct
  • Protect the identity of reporters who wish to remain anonymous except in those countries that limit or prohibit anonymous reporting
  • Provide translation services for those reporters who wish to report in languages other than English
  • Transmit information about the question or concern to the ATI Ethics team so the Company can conduct an appropriate investigation
  • Allow ATI to communicate with an anonymous reporter by serving as an intermediary who can relay follow-up questions and answers, as well as information about the resolution of the case.

It is not EthicsPoint's role to take action to address the concern, only to transmit the concern to the ATI Ethics team for handling.

How does EthicsPoint maintain confidentiality?

EthicsPoint does not trace phone calls or use Caller Identification. In addition, EthicsPoint does not generate or maintain internal connection logs containing Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, so no information linking your computer to EthicsPoint would be available. Reports from your computer would come through a secure Internet portal which does not trace or show user screen names. Finally, EthicsPoint removes Internet addresses to ensure that anonymity in the EthicsPoint system is maintained. EthicsPoint will not use information reported to it for any purpose other than passing along the information to the ATI Ethics team for appropriate handling.

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