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Frequently Asked Questions Follow-up on a Report


To ask questions about Lexmark’s Code of Business Conduct or to report something improper that you believe has occurred or may be occurring and you are uncomfortable speaking with your manager. Your report will be referred to the appropriate member of Lexmark management for confidential review.

To file a report on the Ethics Line
click here

Lexmark is committed to operating in a legal and ethical manner. The Code of Business Conduct describes Lexmark’s expectations regarding the conduct of all employees within the company, as well as relationships with our customers, suppliers and competitors. Compliance with our legal and ethical obligations is the responsibility of every employee of Lexmark. Following the guidance defined in the Code of Business Conduct will help to ensure that all of our business dealings are conducted in a manner that builds trust and integrity.

If you believe someone may be unintentionally or intentionally violating the law, the standards in the Code of Business Conduct or any Lexmark policy or procedure, or if you have concerns regarding questionable accounting, financial reporting or auditing matters, you can promptly notify a member of your direct management chain, the Senior Manager, Global Security, Lexmark’s Human Resources Department, Lexmark’s Legal Department, the Director of Internal Audit or the Chief Executive Officer, or you may file a report through the Ethics Line. Anyone who raises a concern in good faith will be supported by management and will not be subject to retaliation. However, if you are involved in unethical behavior, reporting it will not shield you from the consequences of your actions.

To assist you with raising concerns, Lexmark has selected EthicsPoint to provide these methods for submitting a report confidentially and anonymously, if desired. When you make a report, you may be assured that Lexmark will investigate and, whenever a violation is found, take corrective action and, where practical and permissible, inform you of the result.