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Attention! To maintain confidentiality, this webpage is hosted on EthicsPoint’s secure servers and is not part of the Lexmark website or intranet.
Main Page Follow-up on a Report

Frequently Asked Questions:

(Cliquez ici pour Foire aux Questions en Français)

  • What is the Ethics Line and when should I use it?

    The Ethics Line is a reporting structure designed for you to ask questions regarding the Code of Conduct or to report something improper that you believe has occurred or may be occurring. You should use this line when you do not feel comfortable speaking directly with your manager, other managers in your direct reporting chain, Lexmark’s Human Resources or Legal Departments, the Director of Internal Audit or the Senior VP and Chief Information and Compliance Officer.

  • Why should I report unethical or illegal conduct – particularly if it doesn’t directly affect me?

    Lexmark chooses to promote ethical behavior because we recognize that it is critical to our long-term success. All unethical conduct, at any level, ultimately hurts Lexmark and its employees, including you. We want and expect you to report your knowledge of an activity that is, or may be, cause for concern. Your reporting could minimize the potential negative impact on Lexmark and the people who work here.

    If you raise a concern in good faith, you will be supported by management and will not be subject to retaliation as long as you did not participate in the violation.

  • What types of situations should I report?

    The Ethics Line is available to you to file a report if you believe someone may be unintentionally or intentionally violating the law, the standards in the Code of Business Conduct or any Lexmark policy or procedure, or if you have concerns regarding questionable accounting, financial reporting or auditing matters. Such potential violations could include, but are not limited to: unlawful discrimination, harassment, workplace violence, substance abuse, conflicts of interest, falsification or improper usage or disposal of Lexmark documents, inappropriate gifts or entertainment, inappropriate use of Lexmark time and assets.

  • I am not sure if what I observed or heard is a violation of law, Lexmark policy or involves unethical conduct, but it just does not look right to me. What should I do?

    Remember, the Ethics Line was designed to allow you to ask questions, as well as file a report. If you are unsure, file a report. Lexmark would rather you report a situation that turns out to be harmless than let possible unethical behavior go unchecked because you weren’t sure. You are not required to identify yourself when making a report, but providing your name and contact information will enable the person investigating your report to follow up with you if they need more information or to answer any questions you may have. You may also use the “Follow Up on a Report” feature to check for feedback or to ask questions at a later date. Specific to French employees, based on French law, stating your identity is highly recommended to benefit from the protection as whistleblower.

  • What if I don’t have all the facts?

    Simply report what you know. It is always helpful to have as much information as possible (i.e., names, dates, etc.), but any information you provide could help to prevent a problem. It is not necessary to collect more information – and, in fact, attempting to do so could compromise Lexmark’s investigation. All information provided to the Ethics Line is carefully reviewed and no action is taken unless independent, supporting evidence is gathered.

  • May I report using either the Internet or the telephone?

    Yes. With EthicsPoint you have the ability to file a confidential and, if you choose, anonymous report (where permitted) using either a telephone or the Internet.

  • Are Ethics Line calls recorded or traced?

    No. EthicsPoint is an independent third party. Reports received by EthicsPoint are never traced or recorded.

  • How are the calls answered?

    All calls to the Ethics Line are answered by an EthicsPoint communications specialist who is available 24/7 to take your report. The call will be answered in English. To continue the call in another language, please state your language to request an interpreter. It may take 1-3 minutes to arrange for an interpreter. Please do not hang up. The specialist will then ask you questions to gather information, such as the reason why you are calling and the details of the particular issue. The specialist will take notes as you describe your question or concern. At the end of your conversation, you will be given a unique report key and asked to create a password. You will need this information to call back or go online to check your report for feedback or to ask questions at a later date.

  • What happens after I call or make a report online?

    Calls or reports submitted online to the Ethics Line are referred for investigation to Lexmark management (unless any of those individuals are named personally in your report or for confidentiality reason). All reports are taken seriously and investigated appropriately. You will have an opportunity to follow up on the report online or over the phone using your report key and password. Please do not discuss your concern with co-workers. Confidentiality is crucial to ensure fair treatment of everyone, including those potentially involved in inappropriate or unethical behavior.

  • What if I remember something important about the incident after I file the report? Or what if the company has further questions for me concerning my report?

    At the time you file a report, whether online or over the phone, you will receive a report key and be asked to create a password. You may use this information to access your original report to add more detail, ask questions or check for feedback from Lexmark at a later date.

  • What should I do if I lose my report key or password?

    Because of the secure access required to maintain the confidentiality of all reports, if you lose your report key or password, you will be required to file a new report. You may, however, mention in the new report that this matter relates to a prior report.

  • What is EthicsPoint?

    EthicsPoint is an independent third-party provider chosen by Lexmark to manage a comprehensive and confidential reporting tool for you to ask questions or file reports via the Ethics Line. Using EthicsPoint you may file a report online or over the phone with one of their communications specialists 24/7.

  • Why do we need a system like EthicsPoint?

    EthicsPoint opens a channel of communication for you to confidentially file a report or ask a question through the Ethics Line.