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Ethics Hotline

Follow-up on a Report

Use your report key and password to follow up on a previously submitted report.

Report key


If you have forgotten your Report Key or Password, you will need to submit a new report.

Welcome to Bath & Body Works’ Ethics Hotline.

Our values are a connection to our heritage and a guide to our future. They are also the measure of success for HOW we do things. We are committed to living by our values, doing what’s right and acting with integrity everywhere we do business, regardless of the circumstances. Our Code of Conduct is based on our values, and is a resource where associates can find information that defines behaviors that are acceptable and those that are not.

An ethics concern is one that involves alleged behaviors or business practices that are inconsistent with one or more sections of our Code of Conduct, other company policies or the law. As soon as you become aware of something you think is wrong, you are expected to report it. If you choose, you may report your concern anonymously. We are committed to undertaking a fair, prompt and, when possible, confidential review of concerns reported to the Ethics Hotline. You will not be subject to retaliation, disciplinary action or any career disadvantage for raising a concern.

If you see something that you think is wrong, you are expected to report it. You will not be subject to retaliation, disciplinary action or career disadvantage for raising a concern.