Welcome to Cargill's Ethics Open Line

A message from our CEO

Photo of Brian Sikes

"At Cargill, we conduct ourselves with the highest level of integrity in everything that we do. If you are aware of a legal or ethical concern, please raise it to your manager or report it through our Ethics Open Line."

Brian Sikes

President and CEO

Make the right call.

Ethical decisions start with you!

If you have a concern or question regarding misconduct or unethical behavior, you can:

  • Talk to your manager
  • Talk to your human resources manager
  • Talk to your Group or Function leader
  • Talk to the Law Department
  • Talk to Corporate Audit
  • Talk to Cargill's Global Ethics & Compliance Team
  • Contact Cargill's Ethics Open Line

Our Commitment

Even companies with a long history of doing the right thing experience misconduct, and we are no exception. Reporting misconduct takes courage, but it's the right thing to do. Cargill will not tolerate retaliation against anyone who, in good faith, raises a concern or participates in an investigation. Employees who intentionally make false accusations or provide false information may face disciplinary action. We take all reports of potential misconduct seriously and handle them promptly, fairly and as confidentially as possible.

Reporting a concern

If you have a concern about the conduct of any Cargill employee or anyone representing Cargill, we want to know about it. If it is not possible to talk to a Cargill manager or representative, or you prefer to remain anonymous, you may use Cargill’s Ethics Open Line. Cargill has partnered with a third-party vendor to provide you with a secure and confidential method for reporting issues or raising concerns.

Reporter Responsibilities

Provide as Much Information as You Can
This information is necessary to start an investigation. Cargill has many locations and groups that stretch across the globe. The more detailed information you can provide regarding the location the incident occurred, the business group or function you work in, who was involved, and details of what occurred the better.

Keep Your Report Code in a Safe Place
This code is needed to check on the status of your case or to provide more information to the Investigator.

Stay Engaged After Reporting
Check back often. The Investigator may have questions that need to be answered for the investigation to continue. Please answer these questions quickly so that the investigation can continue.

Provide New Information if You Remember it
Use the system to report additional information that would be helpful for the investigation. You can report additional information by calling into the hotline, or by submitting the information through the web portal.

If the Issue Persists After Case Closure, or if you Feel You Have Been Retaliated Against After You Reported a Concern Let Us Know
Retaliation is taken very seriously. Cargill has a no retaliation policy and stands behind it. Any retaliation should be reported to the Ethics Open Line immediately.

Contact MyHR

If you wish to raise a human resource concern as a named reporter call: 1-877-366-9696 or visit the MyHR Portal.