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Our Ethical Standards

At Palo Alto Networks, we are dedicated to fostering an environment of fair, honest and respectful dealings with colleagues, customers, shareholders and business partners. Our unwavering commitment to the highest level of integrity is embodied at every level of management.

Our Code of Ethics policies translate into a few basic principles:

  • Follow the rules
  • Take responsibility
  • Focus on our customers
  • Stay true to our policies

Speak Up

We believe acting with ethics and integrity is everyone's responsibility. We want to hear from you if you believe someone has done something wrong or has violated our policies, procedures or the law.

You can share your concerns with us in confidence (anonymously, if you prefer). We strictly prohibit retaliation against good-faith reporters.

Ask Questions

If you have any questions about our ethics policies or reporting violations, click on FAQ in the menu above or contact us directly at

Ongoing Commitment

We believe that acting with integrity benefits Palo Alto Networks employees, shareholders, customers, business partners and the public at large. We update our policies, procedures, processes and controls based on changing business needs, the regulatory environment and the lessons we learn from you, our good-faith reporters. We deeply appreciate your support in helping us ensure we maintain our core principles.

Make a Report

After you complete your report, you will be assigned a report key code and asked to create a password. Write these down and keep them in a safe place. You’ll use them to periodically check for communications from our Global Ethics Team.

EthicsPoint is NOT a 911 or Emergency Service: Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local authorities and our GSOC at safetyandsecurity@paloaltonetworks.