The Bechtel Ethics HelpLine is a confidential resource offering employees two ways to report misconduct or seek guidance on the Bechtel standards of conduct. Questions or concerns may be submitted through the confidential Internet web portal or by telephone. An independent third-party company provides trained intake specialists to field issues 24 hours a day, seven days a week, every day of the year and in multiple languages. The Ethics HelpLine number in the U.S. is 1-800-BECHTEL (1-800-232-4835). International toll-free numbers are listed on the Ethics and Compliance page on BecWeb.
When you click on "Ask a Question" or "Report a Concern" on this website, you will have the option to submit the matter online or a toll-free number will be provided. When you call, a professionally trained intake specialist will guide you through a series of questions designed to identify the relevant details of your concern or question. Your call will not be traced and no effort will be made to learn your identity. It is your decision if you wish to identify yourself during the call.
No. In all countries except those that prohibit anonymous reporting, you may report your concern anonymously. When you complete the report process by phone or online, you will be provided with a Report Key and asked to create a password. Save these to follow up on the report you submitted.
Many investigations can be more quickly and effectively completed when the reporter is identified because it allows direct follow-up and ongoing communication with the reporting party.
If you choose to identify yourself in reporting your concern, your report will be kept confidential to the extent permitted by law and Bechtel’s need to fully investigate the matter. Only those with a need to know will be involved in, or know of, the investigation.
Yes, your call can be routed to a call specialist fluent in your native language or a live translator will be provided.
Yes, most common file types are supported and may be uploaded with your report.
Concerns about an immediate threat of physical harm or damage to property should not be reported through the Ethics HelpLine. If you require emergency assistance, please contact 911 (U.S.) or your local emergency services. Any report of immediate threat of physical harm or damage to property through this tool will not be actioned after hours 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CST or on US Holidays observed by the company. Bechtel will respond the next business day.
Because of the high level of confidentiality that is maintained for reports, if you lose your Report Key or password, you will be required to file a new report. You can mention in the new report that it pertains to a previously submitted matter.
Reports are forwarded to the Bechtel Ethics and Compliance Office and assigned to the appropriate investigation team members on a need-to-know basis. The concern is then investigated promptly and discreetly.
With the Report Key and your password, you can return to the system again, either online or by phone and access the original report to add more details.
You will be advised when an investigation is completed if you identify yourself. If you have reported anonymously, you can contact the Ethics HelpLine later to learn the outcome of the investigation. However, due to privacy considerations, you will not be told the details of disciplinary actions that result from the investigation.
No. There is never a penalty for contacting the Ethics HelpLine in good faith. Bechtel investigates all allegations of retaliation and takes appropriate corrective action if retaliation is found to have occurred.
All employees have an obligation to speak up upon identifying any incidents of unlawful or unethical conduct, conflicts of interest, unsafe conditions, lack of proper security for information or property, or other conduct inconsistent with the Bechtel standards of conduct.
We are all responsible for raising questions if we are concerned that the Bechtel standards of conduct are not being met. Talk to your manager or your organization’s Ethics and Compliance Officer or call the Ethics HelpLine. They can help you determine whether there is an ethics or compliance issue that should be reported.
If you believe you have been subjected to retaliation, you should immediately contact the Ethics HelpLine or Human Resources. Bechtel enforces its strict non-retaliation policy prohibiting retaliation against anyone who raises a concern about possible misconduct or who alleges wrongdoing.
Bechtel enforces a strict non-retaliation policy prohibiting retaliation against anyone who raises a concern about possible misconduct or alleged wrongdoing.