Our Commitment

NRG is an organization with strong values of responsibility and integrity. We are committed to an environment where open, honest communications are the expectation, not the exception. You are encouraged to submit reports or ask questions relating to our Code of Conduct, as well as asking for guidance related to policies and procedures.

Our values make us who we are as a company. They are what we believe, what we stand for, and how we show up. Our values embody NRG’s approach to operating our business and building community. Seeking advice and support is always an option. No one need carry a burden by themselves. We have so many ways to ask questions and raise concerns.

Bringing up questions and concerns allows us to quickly address the issue and avoid potential problems. If you would like to remain anonymous, use the Helpline or the Alertline. Both are available 24/7 and managed by NAVEX EthicsPoint, an independent third party, which will document the information you provide and get it to the right people. No identifying information is kept or stored; your contact is completely anonymous.

For more information, please visit the following resources: Alertline Investigation Process (Alertline Investigation Process), NRG’s Investigation Process (Investigation Process) or visit the NAVEX EthicsPoint FAQs.

Who else can I speak to?

Reach out using whichever feels most comfortable: