Welcome to the Ingredion Incorporated web based call reporting tool which is hosted by Global Compliance, an independent organization specializing in Hotline services. No attempt will be made to determine the origin of this communication.
It is the policy of the Company to ensure that there is neither retaliation nor retribution for contacting online reporting. It is also the policy of the Company to preserve the anonymity of employees submitting reports, subject to limits imposed by the law. We may not be able to protect your anonymity if you identify yourself, or provide other information which identifies you. You should also understand that the Company is legally required to report certain types of potential crimes and infractions to external agencies. It is the Company's intention to respond to all reasonable inquiries received by this online reporting system. The Company is also bound to protect the rights of anyone made the subject of a report and therefore actions may be taken in response to your report that may not become public knowledge.