By asking questions and reporting potential concerns, you play an important role in helping us meet the standards reflected in our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct.

Chris Kastner
President and CEO

Dear HII employees:

At HII, we are recognized as one of America’s top large employers because of the strong values and ethics that drive our 44,000-strong teammates to do the right thing, regardless of the circumstances.

The cornerstones of our culture are our shared values of integrity, respect, responsibility, safety, performance and engagement. We rely on our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct to translate these values into the standards and behaviors we expect from our employees, in their interactions both inside and outside the company.

One aspect of acting with the highest ethical standards is speaking up when we see something that isn’t right. HII’s non-retaliation policy reinforces our long-standing commitment to maintain a safe reporting environment. HII has zero tolerance for retaliation and activities that impact good-faith reporting. The goal of speaking up is to hold each other to high standards, and help everyone understand what is required to do the right thing.

Please read this guide, keep it close and treat it as a handy reference that will steer your success at HII. Though every person and situation are unique, it provides a framework for ethical decision-making. It is important to remember that for us to create the advantage for our customers, we must do so ethically.

For any issues or questions you may have, please speak to your supervisor, manager, Human Resources, Labor Relations representative or Business Conduct Officer for assistance. You can also call anonymously through the company’s toll-free 24/7 OpenLine number: 1-877-631-0020.

Thank you for everything you do every day to support and enhance the culture of ethics and compliance at HII. Our ethical culture starts with you.

Chris Kastner
President and CEO