Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local HSSE Officer or local authorities.
We thank you for using the Nokia Business Ethics Helpline. It is managed by Navex (EthicsPoint), a completely independent company from Nokia.
The Nokia Business Ethics Helpline enables you to report any concerns you have relating to violation of laws, Nokia's Code of Conduct and any other policies. Should you wish to upload documents about these concerns, this must be done through the web portal.
In just a moment you will access the web portal to report your concern. To report your concern through the web intake process, please select one of the reporting options shown in the tabs above.
Alternatively, if you prefer to speak with one of Navex Communication Specialist about your concern, please find the following link that will direct to the phone number to call. It is available 24 hours/7 days a week (in supported areas): dialing instructions.
We would like to draw your attention that the specific types of concerns that you can report, may vary from one country to another.
Also in jurisdictions that allow anonymous reporting, you will not be required to identify yourself when raising a concern. You should note however that choosing to remain anonymous may limit Nokia's ability to investigate the matter fully.
If you choose to identify yourself, we will treat your identity confidentially and share it only on a need to know basis, including those who are involved with in-taking your report and the investigation process. Your personal data collected by Nokia will be held and processed lawfully and carefully in accordance with Nokia’s Privacy Policy.
Finally, Nokia reminds everyone that wishes to make a report that it has a strict non-retaliation policy that protects anyone who, in good faith, reports what he or she believes to be a violation of law, Code of Conduct or company policy. To the contrary, abuse of the reporting of complaints may expose employees to sanctions.