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Welcome to the Amex Ethics Hotline

Our Commitment

American Express is committed to doing right by our colleagues. Acting with integrity and protecting our brand’s reputation is everyone’s responsibility, no matter where in the company you sit. We want our colleagues to feel comfortable in bringing forward issues or concerns. Trust your instincts - if a business practice doesn’t feel right, say something.

The Amex Ethics Hotline, hosted by NAVEX, provides colleagues, contractors, vendors/suppliers and others an opportunity, without fear of retaliation, to report concerns regarding potential compliance or ethical matters. These matters may relate to American Express colleagues, leaders, and/or the principles in the company's Code of Conduct, such as financial reporting and accounting; corruption, fraud or other criminal activity; sales practices and workplace conduct. Reporters can choose to provide the information on a confidential or anonymous (where allowed by local laws) basis. Once submitted, all concerns are forwarded to specially trained individuals within American Express who will promptly review, and, if necessary, investigate the report.

The Amex Ethics Hotline offers many benefits you’ve appreciated in the past:

  • Confidentiality
  • Anonymity (in most markets)
  • Security
  • Neutrality
  • Prompt Attention

Plus features that make reporting easy and convenient:

  • Report online via any computer, tablet, or smartphone
  • Access online or via phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
  • Speak in your native language (call representatives speak a collective 170+ languages)

To Report a Concern

If you are a colleague or contractor and you have concerns, you may choose to contact any of the following resources to seek guidance or report your concerns:
  • Your leader
  • Your business unit’s Compliance Officer
  • Your business unit’s Colleague Experience representative or the Colleague & Labor Relations Group
  • Your business unit’s Controller
  • The General Counsel’s Organization
  • The Corporate Secretary
  • Internal Audit

If you are uncomfortable reporting your concerns with any of these people (or are not a colleague or contractor), you may report to the Amex Ethics Hotline via telephone or this website by clicking on the links above.

Reports made through the Amex Ethics Hotline are sent to a specialized team within American Express called the Amex Ethics Office, which was established in 2017. This office sits within the General Counsel’s Organization (GCO) reporting directly to the General Counsel, and is a small team of Amex colleagues who have been trained to handle matters with the utmost level of integrity, confidentiality and discretion. The Amex Ethics Officers do not conduct investigations, but rather ensure all reports are reviewed promptly and confidentially by the appropriate group, such as Colleague & Labor Relations, Internal Audit or Global Security so that each matter can be properly addressed.

If your concern relates to American Express Customer Service or an American Express product, please visit or call the number on the back of your card.


No one who reports a concern in good faith will be subject to retaliation for making such a report. Our Whistleblower Claims Policy, AEMP 17 (available in the “Policies” section of this site) describes the actions our company takes to make sure those who report a concern or participate in investigations are treated fairly.
Note: This webpage is hosted on NAVEX's secure servers and is not part of the American Express website.
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