Frequently Asked Questions
What is NAVEX?
NAVEX is a comprehensive and confidential reporting tool to assist management and employees to work together to address fraud, abuse, and other misconduct in the workplace, all while cultivating a compliant and ethical work environment.
What type of situations should I report?
The NAVEX system is designed for employees to report any violation of our stated Code of Business Conduct or Policies, or any other question you may have.
If I see a violation, shouldn't I just report it to my manager, security, or human resources and let them deal with it?
When you observe some behavior you believe violates our Code of Business Conduct, we expect you to report it. Ideally, you should bring any concerns forward to your direct manager or other member of our management team. We recognize, however, that there may be circumstances when you are not comfortable reporting the issue in this manner. It is for such circumstances we have partnered with NAVEX. We would rather you report anonymously (where permitted by local laws) than keep the information to yourself.
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