About Speak Up

What is Speak Up?

Speak Up is a reporting tool that allows for confidential reporting of concerns regarding actual or potential violations of laws, regulations, or INEOS policies, and unsafe, unlawful or unethical behaviour. Speak Up is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, via web form or phone and can accommodate calls in more than 30 languages.

INEOS has engaged NAVEX, an independent company, to administer the Speak Up system globally. This allows INEOS to offer truly anonymous reporting channels to our employees and third party stakeholders.

Why is a system like Speak Up needed?

INEOS is committed to the highest standards of openness and accountability. INEOS recognises the need for clear and independent mechanisms through which employees and third-party stakeholders can voice concerns in a responsible and effective manner without fear of reprisal. It is also a legal requirement in certain countries for INEOS to operate such a system.

Making a Report

May I report using either the online web form or the telephone?

Yes, you can file a report with Speak Up via either the telephone or through the online web form.

What types of situations should be reported through Speak Up?

You can use the Speak Up system to report concerns regarding, or impacts arising from, actual or potential violations of laws, regulations or INEOS policies, as well as unsafe, unlawful or unethical behaviour undertaken by (or involving or affecting) INEOS employees, third parties working for INEOS or other stakeholders who have a business relationship with INEOS.

Speak Up should not be used for any product issues, adverse event reporting, emergencies or topics unrelated to the matters outlined above.

I’m an employee of INEOS. Should I make a report to my line manager, or HR department instead?

INEOS encourages employees to raise concerns with their line manager, HR department or another appropriate member of senior management in the first instance. We recognise, however, that there may be circumstances when you are not comfortable reporting a concern in this manner and Speak Up offers a way to report anonymously. We would rather you report anonymously (where permitted by local laws) than keep the information to yourself.

At INEOS, open and honest communication is the expectation, not the exception. We want individuals to feel comfortable raising concerns if they become aware of any unsafe, unlawful or unethical behaviour.

Does management really want me to report?

Yes, at INEOS open and honest communication is the expectation, not the exception. If you become aware of unsafe, unlawful or unethical behaviour, please Speak Up. Your concerns will be taken seriously and handled confidentially.

What happens when I make a report through Speak Up?

If you report by phone, your call will be answered by a representative from the NAVEX call centre. After choosing your preferred language, an automatic announcement will guide you through the process. If your preferred language is not available, a NAVEX interpreter will join the call to assist with the translation of your concern to English. The call may be monitored for quality purposes only, but calls are not recorded, and confidentiality is always maintained. Please be patient as you go through the phone reporting process as the operator will want to ensure your concern is properly documented.

If you report through the online form, after choosing your preferred language from the drop-down menu, you will need to follow the on-screen instructions and complete all the required fields.

Reports are entered directly to a NAVEX secure server to prevent any possible breach in security. NAVEX then makes these reports available to specific members of the INEOS Speak Up team for review and to determine further action, including referral for investigation.

When filing your report you will receive a unique report key and will be asked to choose a password. The report key and password will allow you to follow up on your report (through the Speak Up website) in order to monitor progress and obtain the results of any investigation.

Who receives the reports made through Speak Up?

Once you raise a concern via phone or web, an electronic summary of your report is sent to the Speak Up team within INEOS for review and to determine further action, including referral for investigation. Reports that are referred for investigation are directed to an appropriate investigation team comprising of one or more trained individuals from the relevant Business with expertise in the subject matter area. Each of these recipients is trained to keep reports in the utmost confidence. People mentioned within a report will automatically be blocked from viewing its contents in NAVEX, even if they are a member of the Speak Up team or usually tasked with investigation.

Where required by local laws, Speak Up provides functionality to enable INEOS employees to have their reports investigated “in-country” (for more details please see the INEOS Employee Whistleblowing Policy).

How long will it take for my report to be investigated?

INEOS aims to complete investigations as soon as possible and within three months of your report. However, some investigations may be more complex and take more time. You will receive a status update after three months if the case has not been closed before this date.

Will I be notified about the outcome of an investigation?

After the investigation is completed, a notification is posted to the Speak Up report which you can access by calling the phone line or logging into the Speak Up website using your report key and password. If and where possible, and respecting all obligations of confidentiality, the investigator may report back to you on the outcome of the investigation

What does INEOS do to protect me from retaliation if I file a report?

INEOS does not tolerate retaliation against individuals who, in good faith, report a concern using the Speak Up system. Any report of retaliation is taken seriously and investigated as appropriate.

Confidentiality and Security

Can I report anonymously?

While INEOS encourages you to speak up freely and share your identity, individuals may choose to report concerns anonymously through the Speak Up system. If you wish to remain anonymous, you need to ensure that your report does not reveal your identity by accident.

Although INEOS makes every effort to thoroughly investigate and resolve all concerns reported in good faith, there are instances where anonymous reporters do not provide enough information, making it difficult for an investigation to be conducted.

Can I file a report from a computer without being identified?

INEOS uses NAVEX’s case management application to support the administration of Speak Up. The Speak Up system is hosted on NAVEX’s secure servers and is not part of the INEOS intranet or website. NAVEX strips away identifying information, such as an IP address, so that anonymity is maintained and no information linking your computer to Speak Up is available.

The system also allows anonymous "web chats" between reporters and the investigation team if it is necessary to share additional information and enables you to receive notice upon the conclusion of an investigation. Therefore, it is important to follow up on your report regularly, using your report key and password.

What if I want to be identified with my report?

There is a section in the report where you may identify yourself, if you wish.

Tips and Best Practices

What if I remember something important about the incident after I file the report?

When you file a report, either using the web-form or through phone, you receive a unique report key and are asked to select a password. With the report key and your password, you can return to Speak Up again, either via the web-form or telephone, and access the original report. At that point, you can add more details.

What if you have questions for me concerning my report?

The Speak Up system provides functionality that enables the INEOS Speak Up team and investigation team to post questions for you, even if you report anonymously. You can use your report key and password to return to Speak Up, either via the web-form or telephone, to see if any questions have been posted and provide answers.

All follow-up correspondence through the Speak Up system is treated with the same strict confidentiality as the initial report.

What should I do if I forget my report key or password?

Because of the high level of security that is maintained for Speak Up, neither INEOS nor NAVEX can provide you with or reset your password, so safeguarding this information is important. If you lose your report key or password, you will need to file a new report and reference your previously filed report (noting the nature of the concern and the approximate date filed so that we can accurately identify the previously filed report).

What should I do if the telephone number is not working?

If the telephone number listed is not functioning please either: (i) try calling the hotline from a “landline” (i.e. non-mobile telephone) as in a few countries, limitations with the mobile telephone provider network may result in you being unable able to connect to the toll-free telephone hotline; or (ii) make your report online through the Speak Up website. Please indicate in the report that the telephone number did not work.

What should I do if a telephone number isn’t listed for the country I am in?

If there is no service for your location, please make your report online through the Speak Up website. Please indicate in the report that dialling instructions for the country you are located in were not available.